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今日盘货,停业半天。Closed for half a day for stocktaking.

何时作最后一次年度存货盘存?。When was your last annual stocktaking?

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仓库关门进行年度存货盘点。The warehouse is closed for the annual stocktaking.

站在1997年打量过去,有如在看黑白电影。From 1997 stocktaking of the past, like watching black and white films.

我们在伯利兹这里做资产盘点时,有许多问题值得深思。When we do our stocktaking here in Belize there will be much to ponder.

按计划搞好各时段的盘点工作。To do well every time period's stocktaking work according to the schedule.

茂物目标中期审评是2005年APEC韩国年的重点议程之一,也是关系到APEC今后发展方向的关键性工作。The mid-term stocktaking of the Bogor Goals is one of core issues for 2005 APEC Korean Summit.

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同时对此系统在超市盘货中的具体应用前景提出了展望。Furthermore, the prospect of application of RFOW system to stocktaking in supermarket is anticipated.

一年至少完成一次循环盘点。盘点清单由仓库主管提供。A rolling stocktaking shall be done at least once a year. The counting list will be provided by warehouse supervisor.

男子很认真地听着,口中哦哦地应着,用一双阅历很深的眼睛不时打量我。Men with very carefully, to be a population Instead, a pair of eyes from time to time experience deep stocktaking me.

在未来关键的3-5年中,我们需要确保强有力的落实并定期进行盘点才能保证成功。We will need to ensure robust implementation and regular stocktaking in the next three to five critical years to ensure success.

年终盘点时,应事先将库存货物整理清楚以便于所有参与盘点的人员能够正确识别。Before annual stocktaking, all stock shall be sorted out in order to be convenient for other members of stocktaking team to check.

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按照官方说法,坎昆会议是对谈判进展情况的中期盘点,谈判的完成时间表是2005年1月1日。Officially, the Cancun meetings are an interim stocktaking for the negotiations, which are scheduled for completion by January 1, 2005.

沃尔芬森敦促各捐助国利用今年盘点,提高他们的承诺额,并发出信号表明将为千年发展目标提供支持。Wolfensohn urged donors to use this year of stocktaking to raise their commitments and signal that support for the MDGs is forthcoming.

监督并检测定期的仓库盘点,确保财政年度和审计的顺利完成。To supervise and monitor the performance of the perpetual stocktaking and ensure on target completion for financial year end closing and auditing.

茂物目标中期审评是2005年APEC韩国年的重点议程之一,也是关系到APEC今后发展方向的关键性工作。The mid-term stocktaking of the Bogor Goals is one of core issues for 2005 APEC Korean Summit. It is also a key work closely relevant to the future of APEC.

最近激增的过程中他们的客户群一般向下之交的酒吧和餐馆的市场证明了清查的服务提供给他们的客户。The recent surge in their client base during a general down-turn of the pub and restaurant market is testament to the stocktaking service provided to their clients.

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年中,我们需要确保强有力的落实并定期进行盘点才能保证成功。The task will not end in St Petersburg. We will need to ensure robust implementation and regular stocktaking in the next three to five critical years to ensure success.