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双簧管奏出的是A调。The oboe sounded an A.

她学起双簧管来了。She has taken up the oboe.

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爱好长笛和双簧管演奏。Like to play flute and oboe.

双簧管是一个具有两片簧片的管乐器。The oboe is a double reed wind instrument.

双簧管与低音提琴的音色不同。The double bass and the oboe have different timbres.

双簧管和大提琴双重奏,音调此起彼伏。The oboe and cello sat alone , echoing tone for tone.

我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato.

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是柏林法比欧双簧四重奏的成员,担任低音双簧管演奏。As bass oboe player she is a member of the Faboi Doublereedquartet Berlin.

是德国的爱乐乐团的首席双簧管,在上他的课前,我非常紧张。Germany is the Philharmonic's chief oboe , in the course of his former, I am very tense.

鲁贝尔是世界上少有的会演奏双奥卡利那笛、双簧管以及英国管的人。Rumbel is one of the few performers in the world on double ocarina, oboe and English horn.

本文是关于双簧管簧片的类型、制作及其与演奏实践关系的研究。This paper focuses on oboe reed's types, making and its relationship in actual performing.

一种双簧的木制管乐器,类似于双簧管,但音高比双簧管低五度。A double-reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth.

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簧片乐器又细分为单簧和双簧乐器,前者如单簧管,后者如双簧管。A double-reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth.

香港的父亲是双簧管和他的老师,现在是一个最抢手中国双簧管修理工。Kong's father was an oboist and his teacher and now is one of the most sought after oboe repairmen in China.

圆号之后紧接着是一段双簧主题,柴可夫斯基在草稿中将其称之为“光线”。The horn cantilena is followed by an oboe theme that Tchaikovsky refers to in his sketches as "a ray of light".

长笛、双簧管和低音管吹出轻薄的夜曲般的曲调,钢琴用安静疾驰的滑音引领音乐。Flute, oboe and bassoon sound a thin, nocturnal tune, the pianist guides it onwards with quiet, brushing sweeps.

泛音确定一个声音音品,能让我们仅听声音就能把双簧管和小号区分开。Overtones are what give a sound its timbre, and enable us to distinguish an oboe from a trumpet from its sound alone.

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现为澳门青年管乐团、培正中学管乐团之指挥及镜平学校管乐团之双簧管导师。Leong is now the conductor and oboe instructor of Pooi Ching school Symphonic Band and Keang Peng School Symphonic Band.

簧片乐器又细分为单簧和双簧乐器,前者如单簧管,后者如双簧管。The reed instruments are further divided into single-reed and double-reed instruments, such as the clarinet and the oboe.

其中有钟鸣般的锣声,有铜管的和弦渲染出的庄严的气氛,还有双簧管在像念咒一般叹惋着逝去的一切。There are gongs tolling like bells, there are brass chords giving solemnity, There's the idea of an incanting oboe wailing its loss.