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李叔同是我国近代著名的启蒙音乐教育家。Li Shutong is an illuminative music educator in modern China.

一是家具已成为家居装饰的主体。It is furniture already made household illuminative principal part.

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它具有防腐蚀和外观装饰的双重作用。It has the anti-corrosion and appearance illuminative double action.

另外,以天然树脂装饰的家具也是较好选择。Additional, with furniture of natural colophony illuminative also be better choice.

以黑色鳞片装饰的椅子与黑色花瓣装饰的墙壁的组合。With the combination of chair of black scale illuminative and wall of black leaf illuminative.

洛可可风格也曾经使用过花朵、叶子和藤蔓作为装饰的元素。Rococo style once also had used flower, leaf and cirrus to regard an illuminative as the element.

室内设计师们正在为怎样使居室,办公室的装饰的更简洁而瞑思。Indoor stylist people making for how bedroom, the illuminative of the office is more concise and Ming is thought of.

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但让我想不到的,电子商务的问题在这个实体的销售中得到了启蒙。But let me want to be less than, the problem of electronic business affairs got in this hypostatic sale illuminative.

其书院教育蕴含着丰富的实学思想,对后世教育有着极大的借鉴意义。His college education contains plenty illuminative thought and has huge significance for reference to the afterworld.

假墙的上面可以做搁板,假墙内空隙处还能做些装饰的小壁橱。Of false wall above can make shelf, interstitial place still can do some of illuminative little niche inside false wall.

没有任何装饰的黑色或其他深色桌面,经常会使人有沉闷的感觉。Without any illuminative black or other and brunet desktop, constant regular meeting makes the person has depressing feeling.

自然,这种局部护墙的装饰方法,也可以引伸到居室装饰的其他部位。Natural, the adornment method of this kind of local counterfort , OK also amplify arrives bedroom illuminative is other place.

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例如一些纯装饰的材料,往往会让人在不知不觉中多花上千元。The exemple is some more consistent pure illuminative material, often can let a person be in imperceptible in floriferous on 1000 yuan.

其内一般有贮水池、陵墓、宫室等建筑,规模宏伟,院墙施精美图案装饰。Which usually have cisterns, tombs, grand palaces and other buildings, scale, the thickness of the exquisite design illuminative joash.

鲁迅书写“看客”一方面具有一种清醒的启蒙理性,另一方面又呈现出强烈的生命意识。On one hand he wrote "Onlooker" with level-headed illuminative sense, on the other hand "onlooker" presented strong being consciousness.

自行充电式照明模组由一个日光灯管及一个灯罩组成,灯罩上布有薄膜太阳能板。This self-charging illuminative module is consisted of a lampshade covered by thin-film solar cells and a fluorescent tube in the middle.

设计师以轻装修、重装饰的设计理念使主人不用花费很多,就拥有了感觉华贵的家居。Stylist is repaired with light, concept of heavy illuminative design makes host need not be cost a lot of, had the household that feels showily.

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用红色装饰的空间给人以华贵的感觉,配合白色的洁具,确实有些尊贵的味道。Give a person with gules illuminative space with showily feeling, the clean that cooperates white is provided, have some of exalted taste really.

是星级宾馆、银行、大型商场和高雅别墅的墙、地、柱体装饰的首选材料。Material of first selection of illuminative of the wall that is astral class guesthouse, bank, large market and decorous villa, ground, cylinder.

尽管市场有着对软装饰的强烈需求,但现今市场上的设计师,更多只是完成装修的设计。Although the market is having strong to soft illuminative demand, but the stylist on nowadays market, more just completes the design that decorate.