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所有这些都可以在市场经济中发生。All this can transpire in market economies.

这些植物进行蒸发,释放出更多的水蒸气。The plants transpire to give off more water vapor.

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当新老板来后,我们不知会有什么发生。We do not know what may transpire when we have a new boss.

第一,没人知道将来会发生什么。First, no one really knows what events are going to transpire.

现在可能得知部长们知道的要比他们承认的多。It may yet transpire that ministers knew more than they are admitting.

世界末日终会来临吗?我不这么认为。Will doomsday ultimately transpire? I don't think so. I explain why here.

找出什么时候什么地点争论最容易发生和它们是怎样结束的。Figure out when and where arguments are most likely to transpire and what they’re over.

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在热汗蒸腾中吐故纳新,释放自我,从而真正达到身心健康。Rehan transpire in China concept, self-release and thus truly achieve physical and mental health.

例如,1英亩大小的玉米田每天蒸腾的水能达到4000加仑之多。For example, a cornfield 1 acre in size can transpire as much as 4,000 gallons of water every day.

你们那些读过这一本书的人将会知道在这期间所发生的整个情况。Those of you who read this work will be aware of the events that will transpire during this period.

虽然韦斯利在证明,真理是相对的蓬勃发展,又会很快蒸发,是绝对出色。And although Wesley thrives on proving that truth is relative, what will soon transpire is brilliantly absolute.

要知道,即将发生的是抽象难解的也是地球物理上的,是更大的宇宙计划的一部分。Know that what is about to transpire is metaphysical as well as geo physical and part of a greater universal plan.

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我把运动放在了最后,自然界中每日更迭,到处充满不倦的生机。I had to end with this one, as there is absolutely nothing boring about the every day occurrences that transpire in nature.

我从侧面了解到一些奥巴马先生的事情,又得知奥巴马先生苦苦追赶麦凯恩,终于在民调上打成平手!I know some Obama's business and transpire that he bitterly is chase after John. McCain and draw in the polls in the finally.

当引导变得清晰时,我们都将确切了解下一步需要驱散什么以培育整体的继续提升。As the guidance becomes clear, we will all know exactly what needs to transpire next to foster the continued ascent of the whole.

然而甚至那些灵性较低的人从他们恰当理解的经验范围中都不会躲避这即将显露的辉煌。Yet even those lowly in spirit will not avert the resplendence of what is to transpire in their universe of timely comprehension.

和一对夫妇的场合,我们租用的一台设备预计有一定机会的地方,也没有蒸发。And on a couple of occasions, we leased a piece of equipment expecting a certain opportunity to take place, and it didn't transpire.

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“第一次接触”的正确发生,我们可以说它是注定要发生的事件,只要地球能够“依靠”一个更加舒适的来自新地球的“振动”。First contact does transpire however we can say that it is destined to occur once the planet rests in a more comfortable vibration of the new earth.

但是如果真能记录下来的话,那么以个人的意志又是怎样的呢,仅仅只是跟随着它的指挥,分子学恒定不变的变化便泄露出了一棵树的生命源泉?But what mind is there among men that could even record, let alone direct, the constant changes in molecules that transpire in the life span of a tree?

到一个特定的程度,梦想通过2008年被充分清理,去觉察所要发生的以及正沿密度出发、要被人类体验的。To a certain degree, the dream through 2008 is clear enough to perceive what will transpire and is heading down the dimensions to be experienced by mankind.