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鸟笼衬垫呢?Birdcage liners?

把一个鸟笼套到头上。Put a birdcage on the head.

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发现一个鸟笼,里面关了支鹦鹉!He spots a birdcage with a parrot in it!

这个短小的故事是关于一只被关在鸟笼子里的小鸟的。This is a short story about a bird in a birdcage.

他在客厅的鸟笼里养了一只鹦鹉。He keeps a parrot in a birdcage in his living room.

宝贝,你能帮我把那个鸟笼放到地上去吗?Baby, can you put that birdcage on the floor for me?

我仔细给它包扎好,然后做了一个小鸟笼让它在里面养伤。I bound up its wound and made a small birdcage for it to recover.

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珍阿是一个在蒲港一间落后的旅馆新入职的****。Jina is the new call girl at the run-down Birdcage Inn in Pohang.

把书放在鸟笼里的想法来自我创意十足的岳母。I borrowed the idea of books in a birdcage from my very creative mother-in-law.

但这部报道余下的部分被放在上面的一只大鸟笼遮住了。But the rest of this story was obscured by the large birdcage standing on top of it.

鸟笼里的人,单杠。人在单杠上做着体操举动。Human and Horizontal Bar in a birdcage. A man is performing gymnastics on a Horizontal Bar.

莫非你妈妈是一个邪恶巡回演员,在巴黎街头的鸟笼里把你养大?Was your mother an evil carny who raised you in a wicker birdcage under the streets of Paris?

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婚宴喜饼的紫罗兰色口气和糖鸟笼创造艺术片断的浪漫史和高雅。The violet tone of the wedding cake and the sugar birdcage create romance and elegance for the art piece.

白金汉宫也没有出现在街景地图上,尽管人们可以从鸟笼道的树丛中依稀瞥见那里的景象。Buckingham Palace is also not on Street View, although it can be glimpsed through the trees on Birdcage Walk.

目的探讨0.3T永磁MRI系统中笼式线圈的计算机模拟和优化。Objective To investigate the simulation and optimization of birdcage coil in the 0.3T Permanent Magnet MRI system.

摩拉维亚明星,鸽子和鸟笼魅力签名,唤起泰勒的异想天开的风格的装饰元素。The Moravian star, dove and birdcage charms are signature decorative elements that evoke Taylor's whimsical flair.

我曾经有一个梦想,自己是有钱人家的少爷,整天提着鸟笼走在大街上调戏良家妇女。Once a time , I have a dream , I am a signorino , walking on the road with a birdcage on my hand all day , molesting gentlewoman.

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汤艺的作品是一组按时间序列排列的照片,一位年轻女孩朝一只置于传统中国式样的鸟笼中的不同颜色的气球吹气。Tan Yi's series of photographs is a sequence of photographs of a young girl breathing into balloons of various colors trapped inside a traditional birdcage.

这款可爱的鸟笼坠儿将一个欲展翅的蓝鸟包在镀金纯银的笼子里,好像把一个精致的美人关在迷人的包装里。Delicate beauty comes caged in a fascinating package in this adorable birdcage charm, complete with a bluebird swinging inside a gilded, sterling -silver cage.

干枯枯的树干其实有点阴森森的感觉,但将白色的鸟笼灯悬吊在白色树干上,便营造出了一种另类浪漫的气氛。Frankly, just the bare trees alone can be rather spooky, but with the addition of the birdcage lamps, it actually created an alternative kind of romantic feel.