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他是剑道部的重要成员。He's an important member of Kendo Society.

剑道是一门包含很多层面的“艺术”。Kendo is an art that involves a lot of action.

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我喜欢使用重剑,剑道以及阔刀风格。And I like to use Epee, Kendo , and Broadsword styles.

请您展望一下未来20年剑道的发展?Where do you see the art of Kendo 20 years from now on?

第九回世界剑道选手权大会香港队教练。Coach of the Hong Kong Team of The 9 th World Kendo Championship.

如何有一个数字的文本框,在剑道UI网格编辑单元格?How to have a numeric text box for editing a cell in a Kendo UI grid?

在加拿大,很多人都不知道,我们剑道非常强。In Canada, lot of people don't know that we are very strong in kendo.

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您觉得应该把裁判认证系统引入剑道中么?Do you believe that a referee licensing system should be introduced in kendo?

不要放弃自己的目标,这就是剑道与众不同的地方。Don't give up chasing your goals. That is something that is unique to the art of Kendo.

在退击的攻防中,画圆的动作变得与直线动作一样重要。This is a situation in kendo where circular movements become as important as straight ones.

先生,请问剑道中那些优秀的品质可以应用在现实生活中?Sensei, what is the most important quality we can find in Kendo that can be applied to our life?

早大的社团活动极盛,从传统的剑道、能剧到最现代的重金属摇滚,都有许多爱好者。Clubs are active, with fans in areas from traditional kendo and Noh drama to the latest heavy metal.

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四海正志先生是传奇剑道导师森寅雄先生的最后一批学生之一。Sensei Masashi Shikai was one of the last students of the legendary Kendo master, Torao Mori Sensei.

剑道是一种通过对武士刀的运用的严格训练,锻炼和提升个人性格的方法。Kendo is a way to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the katana.

Les目前居住在加州的圣马特奥,不编程时,他会练习剑道和学习日语。Les currently lives in San Mateo, CA and practices Kendo and studies Japanese when he is not programming.

通过这些年,现代剑道改进了刀剑与防护装甲,以进一步减少训练中的损伤。Over the years, Kendo improved the swords and used protective armor to further reduce injury during training.

日本首相福田康夫保镖都是剑道和空手道三段以上的武术高手。Japanese PM Yasuo Fukuda's bodyguards are martial arts experts, who are at least third Dan in kendo and karate.

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向“弈剑门会所”的“剑道导师”领取“俱乐部会员申请书”,直接完成“俱乐部会员注册”。Draw "club member application form" from the "kendo teacher" in "sword-play school" and directly complete registration.

是日之剑道比赛由赤心馆主持,总会及属会各派代表参与,澳门剑道会被邀请以客队身份出席。Kendo Tournament organised by Sekishinkan Kendojo and supported by all affiliated Dojo. Macau Team was invited to attend.

继宗在花园用剑道发泄,他迫魏俊比试,魏俊瞥见君约,故意让继宗打他。Following the cases with kendo vented in the garden, he forced Wei Jun compare-test Wei Jun glimpse of jun, deliberately let the beat him.