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我们有一个电子束。And we have a beam.

这是电子束。This is the e beam.

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横梁已经翘曲了。The beam has started.

单束技术。Single beam techniques.

木头梁或椽子语源。A wooden beam or rafter.

这样我们就能得到一束射线。And so, we've got a beam.

我们已经扭曲了德国的射束。We had bent the German beam.

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他在低矮的横梁下弯着腰。He stooped under the low beam.

它能发射250毫瓦的光线。It fires a 250-milliwatt beam.

门机轨道梁的设计。The design of crane rail beam.

我在那苍白的月光里筑窝。I dwell in the moon's pale beam.

他正在把梁木的边截成斜角。He is canting the edge of a beam.

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他的头撞到梁上了。He struck the beam with his head.

我的头撞到低梁上了。I bumped my head on the low beam.

雨水使房梁逐渐腐朽。The rain has rotted the roof beam.

油灯发出柔和的亮光。The oil-lamp sent out a gentle beam.

像晨光中的溪流一样流淌Flowed like a rill in the morning beam

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某结构改造中混凝土悬挑梁从1。A cantilever beam is lengthened from 1.

单束光、双束光自行可选。Single beam, double beam light optional.

一个可以运动的横梁支撑住了板子。A transverse beam supports the dashboard.