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这个流言开始越传越离谱.The rumors began to get wilder.

当爱,比风更狂放。When love was wilder than the wind.

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萝拉和阿曼罗终于结婚了!Laura and Almanzo Wilder have finally married.

你知道怀德后来发生什么事吗?Do you know what happened to Laura Ingalls Wilder?

好像留级之王主角范伟德那样在学校生活!As the king of Van Wilder fail in school life as protagonist.

佩斯利最近启动了他的“水二多雨及怀德”之旅。Paisley recently kicked off his "H2O II Wetter and Wilder" tour.

想要这个威胁变小。I think to remove the possibility of becoming a even wilder threat.

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但他们正密切依据的威尔德的回忆。But they are closely based upon the memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder.

劳拉·英格尔·威尔德写了很多书,讲述她在荒野里的生活。Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote many books about her life in the wilderness.

现在鲍勃.克里、保罗.聪格斯和道格.怀尔德都发表了支持的言论。Now Bob Kerrey, Paul Tsongas, and Doug Wilder made supportive comments.

叹息啊---,啊,格兰提亚,你同时比那为驯化的牛犊更狂奔。Yet. O Gelatea, you are at the same time wilder than an unbroken heifer.

“在漫长的冬天”是由威尔德系列的下一本书。"The Long Winter" is the next book in the series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

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许多专家说比利怀德改变了美国电影的历史。Many experts say that Billy Wilder changed the history of American movies.

暴怒的精灵是强烈有力的,就跟它们相像的猛禽鹰一样。Wilder sylphs are intense and direct, like the birds of prey they resemble.

它讲述了Almanzo怀德成长的故事在纽约州的农场长大。It tells the story of Almanzo Wilder growing up on a farm in New York State.

画圆的动作幅度越来越大,并且开始发出奇怪的声音。The circles movements became wilder and wilder and began making strange noises.

这是比利·怀尔德和查尔斯·布雷克特最后一次合作写剧本。The movie marked the last time Billy Wilder and Charles Brackett wrote together.

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维尔德解释说,避免引起小孩对这种自然现象感到羞耻其实是很重要滴。Wilder says it's important thing to avoid shaming the child for natural behavior..

今天,我们谈论威尔德是谁写的“小家”的儿童读物。Today, we tell about Laura Ingalls Wilder who wrote the "Little House" books for children.

道格.怀尔德州长是弗吉尼亚州的第一位黑人州长,创造了历史。Governor Doug Wilder had made history by becoming Virginia’s first African-American governor.