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纳粹不仅仅是杀气腾腾的国家主义。Nazism was not only nationalism run amok.

而且它应该抑制中国的民族主义。And it should reign in Chinese nationalism.

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现在,中国希望压制民族主义。Now, China wants to tamp such nationalism down.

新的民族主义只会加速这一过程。The new nationalism can only hasten the process.

草泥马空洞的爱国主义和民族主义垃圾。Fuck this hollow patriotism and nationalism shit.

“爱国主义”不能跟“国家主义”混为一谈。Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism.

英国国家主义的强度时高时低。British nationalism ebbs and flows in its intensity.

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民族主义是一种自欺欺人的权力欲望。Nationalism is a self-deceiving the power of desire.

民族主义,是在自己的小天地里自鸣得意的雄鸡。Nationalism is a silly cock crow on it own dunghill.

中国的民族情绪开始失控了。Chinese nationalism is starting to run out of control.

爱国主义是被自我欺骗所调和的对权利的渴望。Nationalism is power-hunger tempered by self-deception.

公鸡总是在自己的粪堆上称雄。Nationalism is a silly cock crowing on its own dunghill.

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民族主义被认为是建构国家不可或缺的。Nationalism is arguably indispensable to state-building.

总统对于经济民族主义的提议者则言听计从。Proponents of economic nationalism had the president's ear.

马克思反对一切民族主义和沙文主义的论调。Marx was opposed to all claims of nationalism and chauvinism.

对诚如民盟一样盅获民心的政客而言,国家主义是一种强大的工具。Nationalism is a powerful tool for demagogues such as the PAD.

他们对全球化经济的反对源于狭隘的民族主义。Their opposition to global economy a narrowminded nationalism.

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反美的左翼民族主义力量中的一支犹如魅影般陡然而升。A spectre has arisen, one of anti-American leftist nationalism.

现代欧洲民族主义的弊害也是同样明显的。The evils of nationalism are just as apparent in modern Europe.

从电影到绸缎衣服,爱国主义的情怀无处不在。Everything from cinema to silk came with a spirit of nationalism.