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而全球气候变化又是玳瑁海龟生存的另一个威胁。A further threat to the hawksbill turtle is global climate change.

一只玳瑁龟鳍足像翅膀伸展在海底畅游。A hawksbill turtle swims just above the seafloor with flippers spread like wings.

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这里的船只经营者,会把剥皮的鱼作为早餐喂送给15只幼年的玳瑁海龟和绿海龟。Boat operators here feed fish-strip breakfasts to about 15 young hawksbill and green turtles.

在靠近萨巴的荷兰安的列斯群岛处,一只玳瑁龟正的海洋避难所的海底上方滑翔。A hawksbill turtle glides just above the floor of a marine sanctuary near Saba, Netherlands Antilles.

一只玳瑁八月二十三日于新北市龙洞湾海底,努力挣脱困住牠的渔网。A hawksbill sea turtle struggles to free itself from a fishing net in New Taipei City's Longdong Bay on Aug. 23.

这是一个调酒师的工具,它包括一个螺旋状,箔片刀与锯齿玳瑁,和一个开瓶器。This is a sommelier's tool which includes a corkscrew, foil knife with a serrated hawksbill blade, and a bottle opener.

中药里的“玳瑁”具有很好的清热解毒功效,它取材于?。In Chinese traditional medicine " hawksbill turtle " have very good distinct hot alexipharmic effect, its draw materials at?

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由西灵岸,巴昆岸格吉和古里珊三岛所组成,他们都是濒临绝种的绿海龟和鹰嘴龟安全的繁殖天堂。It consists of Selingan, Bakungan Kecil and Gulisan which are safe haven for the endangered Green Turtles and Hawksbill Turtles.

全部33只海龟都是墨西哥湾生态环境的稀有成员,而绿海龟、坎皮海龟、玳瑁又是濒危品种,蠵龟则是受威胁品种。All 33 turtles represent rare members of the Gulf's ecosystem. Green, Kemp’s Ridley and Hawksbill sea turtles are endangered species.

中药里的“玳瑁”具有很好的清热解毒功效,它取材于什么东西?In Chinese traditional medicine " hawksbill turtle " have very good distinct hot alexipharmic effect, its draw materials at what thing?

在浮油水域,我们记录的死亡海豚和海鸟数以百计,还有海蛇以及受到威胁的玳瑁和平背龟。We recorded hundreds of dolphins and sea birds in the oil slick area, as well as sea snakes and threatened hawksbill and flatback turtles.

一只玳瑁泅泳在马来西亚麻六甲州巴丹哥文丁海滩的孵育中心。A hawksbill turtle swims at its hatchery centre in Padang Kemunting Beach in Malaysia's state of Malacca in this February 8, 2007 file photograph.

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玳瑁海龟拥有漂亮的花纹龟壳,几千年来一直是商业龟甲的唯一来源。The hawksbill turtle possesses a beautiful marbled shell, which has been exploited for thousands of years as the sole source of commercial tortoiseshell.

西沙群岛应有5种海龟,但目前仅记录到绿海龟和玳瑁,其中仅绿海龟有繁殖记录。There would have 5 species of turtle in Xisha Archipelago, but only green turtle and hawksbill were recorded until now, and only green turtle have breeding records.

全部33只海龟都是墨西哥湾生态环境的稀有成员,而绿海龟、坎皮海龟、玳瑁又是濒危品种,蠵龟则是受威胁品种。All 33 turtles represent rare members of the Gulf's ecosystem. Green, Kemp's Ridley and Hawksbill sea turtles are endangered species. Loggerheads are listed as threatened.

佛罗里达大沼泽地国家公园里有红树沼泽和草地湿地,也是像海牛,玳瑁海龟和美国鳄鱼这样的珍稀植物和动物物种的水上乐园。A waterworld of mangrove swamps and grassy wetlands, the Florida Everglades is home to rare plant and animal species including manatees, hawksbill turtles and American crocodiles.