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哦,顺便介绍一下,我是艾伦。戴尔,一个诗人。Oh incidentally I'm allan-a-dale a minstrel.

巧的是今天苹果依然遵循这个原则。They still rely on this principle today, incidentally.

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顺带一提,这也是我从小到大最喜欢的连环漫画。This is my all-time favorite comic strip, incidentally.

对了,你怎么知道来闰美尔瓦公司呢?Incidentally. how did you know to come to the Milward Agency?

顺便提一句,美国确实有过中央银行。Incidentally the U.S. did create what sounded like central banks.

理学检查发现左阴囊肿大。A physical examination incidentally revealed an enlarged left scrotum.

他是医学院预科的学生,也在康乃尔大学,碰巧也得了重感冒。He was a premed student, also at Cornell, who incidentally also had a bad cold.

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牛顿也证明了漩涡能产生椭圆运动纯属偶然。Newton also proved incidentally that a vortex could not generate elliptical motion.

中国现在恰巧是世界上最大的二氧化碳排出国,甚至超过了美国。Incidentally China is now the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide, larger even than the US.

同时,小说,诗歌和艺术之门为你打开。Novels, poetry and the worlds of art and ideas are opening up in front of you almost incidentally.

杰西卡遵命别好领带夹,顺手摸了摸她那可爱的头发,又看了一下宝石镶面的小表。Jessica obeyed, incidentally touching at her lovely hair and looking at a little jewel-faced watch.

常规的X线胸部摄像检查往往可以偶然地发现肺癌。Conventional chest radiography is the means by which lung cancer is often incidentally first identified.

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每次压力大的时候,我都会去游泳,释放自己,顺便还可以保持身材。When pressing muscularity every time, I can swim, release oneself, still can carry a figure incidentally.

在Spring的精神中,它去掉了一个API,无意间却也使单元测试通知方法更简单。In the spirit of Spring, it removes an API, incidentally it making it easy to unit test the advice method.

所以,这就是联邦储备金系统,顺便提一句,这里说道有十二个银行和十二个区域。So that's the Federal Reserve System. Incidentally there are twelve banks and there are twelve districts.

随便说一下,其中一个人喊丹·詹姆斯,他们现在是美国任天堂的执行副总裁。Incidentally , one of those guys was Don James, who is now an executive vice president with Nintendo of America.

世界上每一个发达国家,顺便一提,包括美国在内,都有应对这些情况的制度。Every advanced country in the world has a system that provides for this, including the United States, incidentally.

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于是我开始朝车子的反方向跑去,当然了,也就是朝与我家相反的方向跑去。So I started to run in the opposite direction to the car, which was incidentally the opposite direction to my house.

偶然在肾上腺发现的肿块可能属于上述任何类型的功能性肾上腺瘤或者是不造成激素分泌异常的非功能性肾上腺瘤。An incidentally found mass in the adrenal may be any of the above types of tumors, or may produce no hormones at all.

该片碰巧还有罗宾·库克晚期作品的影子,剧中的前外交部长便是其作品人物的变形。The film incidentally gives us the ghost of the late Robin Cook, fictionalised as ex-foreign secretary "Richard Rycart".