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或许我会记得。Haply I remember.

或许我早已遗忘。And haply may forget.

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或许我会记得。Haply I may remember.

或许我会忘记。And haply I may forget.

那么也许,我在这里。Then haply I may, be here.

无意中听到的一个词泄漏了秘密。Betrayed by a word haply overheard.

万一还会把我们的旧欢泄漏。And haply of our old acquaintance tell.

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或许月亮皇后也在她的宝座And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne

忽然想起了你,于是我的精神。Haply I think on thee, and then my state.

夜这般温柔,月后正登上宝座。And haply the Queen_Moon is on her throne.

或许我会记起,或许我会忘记!Haply I may remember, And Haply I may forget.

也许,偶然间我会想起谁,也许,偶尔我也会忘了谁。Haply i remember one person , haply i forget one person.

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也许会令我永远截止吧?或者就如现在般把我留在此处。Or haply cut me short for good? Or leave me here as now.

我已与你同行!夜晚如此温柔,也许月亮女神正登上宝座。Already with thee! tender is the night, And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne.

在那里,像一个陆地的怀念者,我也许将被年青和年老的水手们阅读。Many a star at night, By sailors young and old haply will I , a reminiscence of the land, be read.

大致看了一下,没问题的,都是原装,所以没必要换什么了。I have seen it haply , no problem, they are all original fittings, so I think it is not likely to change them.

你要行动起来!这样,你就能引导周围的人归向至为慈悲者的律法。Gird up the loins of thine endeavor, that haply thou mayest guide thy neighbor to the law of God, the Most Merciful.

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要叫他们寻求神,或者可以揣摩而得,其实他离我们各人不远。That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us

许多事情却是神奇,偶尔一些传说为那狡诈的谎言修饰,超出了真实,让人们言及时也语犯虚妄。Verily many things are wondrous, and haply tales decked out with cunning fables beyond the truth make false men's speech concerning them.