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桥跨?。Bridge span?

人生如朝露,百年一瞬间。Life is but a span.

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鲍伯的指距有8寸。Bob can span 8 inches.

它的跨度长达4,260英尺。It has a span of 4,260 feet.

跨越任意数量的计算机。Span any number of machines.

很多桥横亘在泰晤士河上。Many bridges span the Thames.

她用纺车纺纱。She span on a spinning wheel.

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当下从恶男跨下钻了过去。From the ENan span in the past.

飞机疾驰飞离了跑道。The plane span out of the runway.

拥有十二个手指宽度。Each span has twelve finger-breadths.

该归档文件将跨越多个卷。The archive will span Multiple volumes.

金鱼只有三分钟的记忆。Goldfish have a three-second memory span.

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他的五个专题片跨越四十年。His five feature films span four decades.

笑延长寿命。Laughter prolongs the life span of a man.

窗口小部件可以跨网格中的几个单元。A widget can span several cells in the grid.

被人掳获的平均寿命为两年。In captivity, two years is the average span.

杨浦和南浦大桥横跨河。The Yangpu and Nanpu bridges span the river.

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独角鲸的最大寿命大约为50年。Narwhals maximum life span is about 50 years.

打呵欠的频率随着人生阶段的变化而不断改变。Yawning frequency changes over the life span.

林太太常常保持房子一尘不染。Mrs. Lin always keeps her house spic and span.