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他很慷慨地代我们全付了钱。He generously paid for us all.

“零钱不用找了,”他慷慨地说。“Keep the change,” he said generously.

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请为饥荒赈款慷慨解囊。Please give generously to famine relief.

她曾慷慨地向红十字会捐款。She has contributed generously to the Red Cross.

让我们不要给予乞丐太多的慷慨。Let us not give too generously to beggars either.

在每一个玛芬的表面刷上柠檬釉料。Brush each muffin generously with the lemon glaze.

用长勺将搅拌好的果冻浆盛到玻璃碗中。Generously ladle the jelly syrups into separate glass bowls.

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几周之内有超过50名慷慨人士进行了捐赠。Within a few weeks, more than 50 had given — some generously.

穆斯林必须慷慨施舍帮助穷人。The Moslems must give alms generously and provide for the poor.

创新须苦心培养,慷慨资助。Innovation must be painstakingly nurtured and generously funded.

十分宽松地围量二头肌最丰满处。Measure around the fullest part of the biceps, fairly generously.

我们一同敬拜,幷「求那厚赐与众人……的神。」We gather for worship and "ask God, who gives generously to all."

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当他们做你想做的事情的时候,你就要慷慨地表扬他们。And when they do what you want them to do, praise them generously.

今天向家人和朋友表达爱意和感激。Show love and appreciation generously to family and friends today.

慷慨填充鞋垫按摩脚每一步。Generously padded footbed massages the foot with each and every step.

不能免于悭啬,却做布施之行,是为表面。It is superficial to act generously without being free from stinginess.

给落笔慷慨,公正里带着仁慈的伯纳德•迪克教授。To Professor Bernard Dick, who so generously tempers justice with mercy.

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用户会发现更容易聚焦和处理使用大空白的内容。Readers find it easier to focus on and process generously spaced content.

早晚沐浴后取适量涂抹全身按摩。Massage generously all over body after bath or shower morning and evening.

用于补助低收入家庭的课税扣除比以往更慷慨。Tax credits subsidised low-paid families more generously than ever before.