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本网站提供了托管理事会信息。This site provides information on the Trusteeship Council.

美国在1944年占领了密克罗尼西亚,在1947年成为其讬管国。The U. S. occupied Micronesia in 1944 and received a trusteeship mandate in 1947.

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虽然被称为托管,但投票决定开放该国把它放在一个“权力”的态度。Although known as trusteeship , but voted to open the country to put into a "power" attitude.

安理会、经济及社会理事会、托管理事会各位主席Presidents of the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council

介绍六安市人民医院托管县级综合医院的实践与体会。To introduce practice and experience of county hospital under Lu'an People's Hospital trusteeship.

托管理事会之决议应以到会及投票之理事国过半数表决之。Decisions of the Trusteeship Council shall be made by a majority of the members present and voting.

起初大部分朝鲜人认为自己完全有能力管理自己,反对托管。Feeling fully capable of governing themselves, most Koreans initially were against the trusteeship.

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托管理事会应自行制定其议事规则,包括其推选主席之方法。The Trusteeship Council shall adopt its own rules of procedure, including the method of selecting its President.

为结束以色列的占领,正考虑使巴勒斯坦地区实行国际托管。To end the Israeli occupation, the Palestinian areas are considering the implementation of international trusteeship.

它是以信托制度为基础进行运作的,其运作过程中的基金当事人主要包括基金投资者、基金管理人和基金托管人。The Security Investment Fund is divided into corporation type and contract type. It is operated on the basis of trusteeship.

股权托管作为一种新兴的资本运作方式正在中国兴起,并在2001年中国证券市场上显示了其旺盛的生命力。As a booming capital operation method in china, Trusteeship of stock ownership flourishes on the Chinese stock market in 2001.

基金管理公司董事不得担任基金托管银行或者其他基金管理公司的任何职务。No directors of any fund management comp any may hold any post in any fund trusteeship bank or any other fund management comp any.

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这使上述“托管经营”,表面上看来,是理所当然的,但它是一个隐藏的矛盾运作。This makes the above-mentioned "trusteeship operation, " On the surface, a matter of course, but it is a hidden contradiction to operate.

在托管的尝试中,地方政府作为委托人,与市场代理人之间通过签订契约而形成正式的契约关系。The local government as a client establishes a formal contractual relationship with the agent by signing contracts in the trusteeship attempt.

该文通过生命学院生物实验室的建设实践,阐述一种新的管理模式-实验室托管。According to the practice in laboratory construction of Life Science & Technology department, a new management model-laboratory trusteeship is introduced.

本文归纳介绍了药房托管的一般形式及优点,对医院药房的改革有参考作用。This article introduced into pharmacies in the form of trusteeship and the general advantages of the hospital's pharmacy reference to the role of the reform.

孩子们被托管于他们的父母,如果他们的父母没有好好对待他们,国家也有权力剥夺他们的托管权。Children are entrusted to their parents, and if their parents do not treat them properly, the state has a right to remove them from their parents' trusteeship.

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孩子是托付给父母的,如果父母不善待他们,政府有权取消父母对他们的托管身份。Children are entrusted to their parents, and if their parents do not treat them properly, the state has a right to remove them from their parents’ trusteeship.

关于上列种类中之何种领土将置于托管制度之下,及其条件,为此后协定所当规定之事项。It will be a matter for subsequent agreement as to which territories in the foregoing categories will be brought under the trusteeship system and upon what terms.

全国各地纷纷出现的药房托管模式,是对医药分离政策要求的一种应对。A nationwide appearance of drugstore trusteeship mode one after another is a way to cope with the separation policy of outpatient drug department from the hospital.