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用黄色唤起愉快、高兴的感情。Use yellow to evoke pleasant, cheerful feelings.

成熟的姜京俊能否博得吉多兰芳心。Mature ginger jing jun can evoke auspicious doran heart.

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抿一口茶,那淡淡的香味,最能勾起有关温馨的回忆。Sip tea, the subtle fragrance, best evoke the warm memories.

我尊重这件事引起的强烈意见和情感。I respect the strong views and emotions that these issues evoke.

他们需要电影激发起什么样的感情?What kind of emotional response do they want the movie to evoke?

一种香味或者一个声音都有可能唤起你儿时一个遥远的片段。A scentor sound may evoke a distant episode from one’s childhood.

来自威胁的自由安娜而且唤起她对抗幻影的失去记忆!Free Anna from threats and evoke her lost memory against phantoms !

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可是为什么鬼哭神嚎也会引发相同的反应呢?But why does the sound of a wailing banshee evoke the same response?

他自己就是个文学迷,也爱唤起他人对文学的爱慕。He was an enthusiast himself and loved to evoke enthusiasm in others.

而那用石灰水刷成白色的墙壁,和厚实的房梁,唤起了久远的记忆。The whitewashed plaster walls and heavy beams evoke the distant past.

冷色系如蓝色和绿色,能产生平静的情绪。Cool colors such as blues and greens tend to evoke serenity and peace.

隆多的速度和判断力经常引起托马斯的主意。There are times when Rondo's speed and decisiveness evoke Isiah Thomas.

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想一想能够唤起你想要的感觉的相关词汇。Think about related words and phrases that evoke the feelings you want.

看不见的砰的关门会引发紧张,恐惧——也可能引发喜剧效果。The unseen slamming shut of a door can evoke tension, terror – and comedy.

艺术与生活密不可分,他是唤起感情甚至唤起思想的一种方法。It is about life, and it is meant to evoke emotions and even understanding.

比哈尔人不仅在印度,而且在全世界激起仇恨和嫉妒。Biharis evoke hate and lot of jealousy not only in India but around the world.

总之,阿纳·奎兹试图激发人与人之间的沟通和互动。But above all, Arne Quinze tries to evoke communication and human interaction.

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他的歌曲唤起自然、精神和日常生活经历的力量。His songs evoke the power of nature, the spirit, and ordinary life experiences.

而用LiveMocha这个名字的用意是唤起一种如咖啡店里那样的轻松氛围。The name “LiveMocha” is meant to evoke the relaxed atmosphere of a coffee shop.

望月的人应该是带着笑容的吧,否则怎会引起梦中人的笑容呢?Mochizuki who should be smiling in it, otherwise how could evoke dreamer's smile?