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那是个风和日丽的一天。Just a bright, sunshiny day.

在六月里的一天早上,天气晴朗,......on one sunshiny morning in June

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天气多么暖和,多么晴朗呀!What a warm and sunshiny day it is!

卡罗尔曾经是一个快乐和看似的女孩。Carol was once a happy and sunshiny girl.

请你看看那晴朗的天空和那飘渺的白云,其实你又错过了美好的一天呀!Please look at the sunshiny sky and wispy cloud, you 've definitely let slip a wonderful day!

但是,编曲的部份显示,愉悦的歌词背后其实是密布乌云。However, in the context of this arrangement, it becomes apparent that the sunshiny lyrics are surrounded by dark clouds.

我为拥有这新的指挥权而万分得意,阳光灿烂的天气和岸上不断变化的景色也使我心旷神怡。I was greatly elated with my new command, and pleased with the bright, sunshiny weather and these different prospects of the coast.

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这是一个平静的、晴朗的、阳光明媚的日子,一个天使从天堂溜了出来,来到人间。他走过田园和森林,城市和村庄。One calm, bright, sunshiny day, an angel slipped out of heaven and came down to this world and roamed field and forest, city and hamlet.

项目特设3000平米欧式风情空中花园,打造高品质园林景观写字楼,引领阳光商务新潮流。A sky garden of European style covering 3000sqm is specially designed to make a high quality gardening office building, which leads new tide of sunshiny commerce.

假如你查阅以太阳为中心的星历表你就会发现在1929年2月的后段时间,出现了一个在巨蟹座的重合!If you look up your Heliocentric Ephemeris you will find that "in the latter part of February 1929" there was a conjunction in Cancer! No wonder why the morning was "sunshiny"!