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羔羊遇上狮子自当逃走。Lambs sensibly flee from lions.

玛莎穿着一件花呢厚大衣。She was sensibly dressed in tweeds.

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有谁知道明智的饮食能让人感觉这么好呀?Who knew eating sensibly could make you feel so good?

很明显,他们倾向于多储蓄少消费。Quite sensibly they want to consume less and save more.

那些日复一日生活在机敏与理智里的人之一。Those people who live sensibly and sanely day after day.

看,我就是那种每天、每时都要求自己活的明智而理性的人。You see, I'm one of those people who live sensibly and sanely hour.

但是,众人不知用什么办法终止了飞机着陆,理智地拉起飞机。Yet the mob somehow aborts the landing and pulls the plane up sensibly.

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但是,众人不知用什么办法终止了飞机着陆,理智地拉起飞机。Yet the mob somehow aborts the landing and pulls the plane up sensibly.

下面是既聪明又爱国的有关消费和储蓄的指导。What follows is a guide to spending and saving, both sensibly and patriotically.

一个社会认为奇怪的事物可能在另一个社会受到欢迎,认为合理而正常。What one society judged to be strange, another might more sensibly welcome as normal.

同时,沃勒特·蒙代尔先生明智的承认里根先生应该为此获得应有的荣誉。As Mr Walter Mondale has sensibly acknowledged, Mr Reagan deserves some credit for this.

他们发挥自己最大的聪明才智把活动安排塞满了尽量多的幸运数字8。They have crammed as many lucky number eights into the arrangements as they sensibly could.

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至于摩根大通,它保持了对风险的严格控制,有效的管理资金和明智的收购。As for JPMorgan Chase, it has kept a tight rein on risk, managed capital well and acquired sensibly.

克罗夫特太太听得津津有味,她不说话则已,一说话总是非常富有理智。Mrs. Croft was ATtending with greAT good-humour, and whenever she spoke AT all, it was very sensibly.

一直走到中餐馆⑤那个地方,她做出了明智的决定⑥,飞快地跑向塘边了⑦。We got as far as the Chinese restaurant when, very sensibly , she decided to fly the rest of the way.

数学让我有了一个理性思维,语文让我可以更加感性的看待生活,体会生活的美好。Maths makes us logical, while Chinese helps us to face life sensibly and to learn the goodliness of life.

劝人适量饮酒的一个方法就是提供口感好但酒精含量低的酒。One way of persuading people to drink sensibly is to provide good-tasting alternatives with less alcohol.

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我们能够合理地应付哪些问题——我们能够通过金钱、努力或者革新缓解的问题?What problems can we sensibly address – problems that we can mitigate either with money, effort or innovation?

该方法对左心室心肌舒张功能的评估更加敏感,优于传统的二尖瓣口血流法。This method that can sensibly evaluate diastole function of left ventricle is better than traditional mitral flow method.

我们只是从睡眠中醒来,正如辞藻华丽的蒙田说的那样,“就可以更好更明智的欣赏它”。We are disturbed in our slumber only, like the luxurious Montaigne, 'that we may the better and more sensibly relish it.'