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该付款必须有抵押人的会签。The payment has to countersigned by the mortgagor.

其财产被按揭抵押的债务人被称为抵押人。The debtor whose property is subject to the mortgage is called the mortgagor.

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须由每名抵押人或其代表按指明方式妥为签立。It shall BE duly executed by or on BEhalf of each mortgagor in the specified manner.

承押人因此所受的损失由抵押人赔偿。Losses suffered by the mortgagee as a result thereof shall be compensated by the mortgagor.

抵押人可以将前款所列财产一并抵押。A mortgagor may at the same time mortgage all the property listed in the preceding paragraph.

抵押人未通知抵押权人或者未告知受让人的,转让行为无效。If the mortgagor fails to notify the mortgagee or inform the transferee , the transfer is invalid.

抵押房地产投保的,抵押人应当将保险单移送抵押权人保管。After the mortgaged real property is insured, the mortgagor shall hand over the insurance policy to the mortgagee for safe custody.

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扣除上述三项款额后,如有余款,承押人应将余款交付抵押人。If there is any surplus after deducting the amounts in the above three clauses, the mortgagee shall pay over the surplus to the mortgagor.

未保险的,抵押权人有权对该船舶进行保险,保险费由抵押人负担。In case the ship is not insured, the mortgagee has the right to place the ship under insurance coverage and the mortgagor shall pay for the premium thereof.

第一百九十条订立抵押合同前抵押财产已出租的,原租赁关系不受该抵押权的影响。Article 190 If a mortgagor leases the mortgaged property before the mortgage contract is concluded, the previously established leasing relation shall not be affected.

抵押权设立后抵押财产出租的,该租赁关系不得对抗已登记的抵押权。If a mortgagor leases the mortgaged property after the creation of the mortgage interest, the leasing relation may not be used against the registered mortgage interest.

由于重复抵押既不会给先位抵押权人造成损害,后位抵押权人又可能从中得到保证,抵押人可以更充分地发挥抵押物的效率。Since the double mortgage would not cause damages to the first mortgagee, whilst the second mortgages may acquire pledge out of it, the mortgagor may make best of the pawn.

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抵押人未依照前款规定一并抵押的,未抵押的财产视为一并抵押。If the mortgagor fails to comply with what is provided for in the preceding paragraph, the property not mortgaged shall be deemed to be mortgaged along with what is mortgaged.

如果一船舶上存在着两个或者两个以上的抵押权,船舶抵押权人与抵押人协议约定实现抵押权可能会损害优先顺位抵押权人的利益。If there are two or more mortgage on one ship, the said agreement between the mortgagee and the mortgagor maybe impairs the benefit of other mortgagee who has preferred order to be paid.

第一百九十三条抵押人的行为足以使抵押财产价值减少的,抵押权人有权要求抵押人停止其行为。Article 193 Where any act of the mortgagor may sufficiently cause the reduction of the value of the mortgaged property, the mortgagee has the right to require the mortgagor to cease such act.

因国家建设需要,将已设定抵押权的房地产列入拆迁范围的,抵押人应当及时书面通知抵押权人。The mortgagor shall promptly inform the mortgagee in writing if the realestate that has-been hypothecated has been included within the removalcompass due to construction project of the State.

凡按揭人没有如此偿付,则该判令会成为绝对判令,该土地亦会在不受按揭人的衡平法赎回权和其后承按人的权益约束的情况下归予承按人。If the mortgagor fails to do so, the decree is made absolute and the land vests in the mortgagee free of the mortgagor's equity of redemption and free of the interests of subsequent mortgagee.

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第五十一条抵押人的行为足以使抵押物价值减少的,抵押权人有权要求抵押人停止其行为。Article 51 Where a mortgagors acts are likely to cause the value of the mortgaged property to decline, the mortgagee shall be entitled to demand that the mortgagor cease and deist from such acts.

第一百九十三条抵押人的行为足以使抵押财产价值减少的,抵押权人有权要求抵押人停止其行为。Article 193 Where a mortgagor acts in such a way as to cause depreciation of the mortgaged property, the mortgagee shall have the right to demand that the mortgagor cease and desist from such act.

抵押物价值减少时,抵押权人有权要求抵押人恢复抵押物的价值,或者提供与减少的价值相当的担保。When the value of the gage decreases, the mortgagee shall be entitled to have right to demand the mortgagor to restore the value of the gage, or offer a guarantee equivalent to the value decreased.