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他稍微有点耳背。He is slightly deaf.

不过他像是聋了一样。But he seems to be deaf.

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这簿记员是个聋子。His book keeper is deaf.

耳聋者听不见。A deaf person can't hear.

为失聪或听障者提供育乐营。For deaf or deaf offer camp.

他们将会是听障和视障人士。They will be deaf and blind.

正为聋耳的阿伯拉罕吟唱。Chanting to Abraham's deaf ear.

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到了1817年,他已经完全聋了。By 1817, he became totally deaf.

恳求他,他连理都不理。He was deaf to my supplications.

上帝是个聋子。Thing Fourteen-That God is deaf.

这个倡议没人理睬。The proposal fell upon deaf ears.

但政府对他们的担忧充耳不闻。But their words fell on deaf ears.

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他听不进你的忠言。He is deaf to your earnest advice.

他对批评听不进去。He turned a deaf ear to criticism.

普伦波,你残废了还是耳聋了?Palumbo, are you crippled and deaf?

海伦谈论聋哑人和盲人。Helen spoke about the deaf and blind.

失聪的人是用什么语言思考呢?In what language do deaf people think?

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她教耳聋儿童运用唇读法。She teaches deaf children to lip-read.

他们对受害者的诉求充耳不闻。They were deaf to the victim's appeal.

这是一所特为聋人办的学校。This is a special school for the deaf.