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我在市政大厅采访了巴洛。I interviewed Barlow at city hall.

三个警察立刻赶过来逮捕了巴洛夫人。Three policemen then arrived and arrested Mrs. Barlow.

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现代巴卢不会降低你的望远镜的光学。A modern Barlow will not degrade your telescope's optics.

谢谢,乐庭,以铺设的神话降解巴卢休息。Thanks, Terence, for laying the myth of the degrading Barlow to rest.

我的第4单元形式拿起那里巴卢概念,可以去没有进一步。My 4-element form picks up where the Barlow concept can go no further.

奥德丽巴洛已经醒了,在夜深人静的时候要去上厕所。Audrey Barlow has woken up in the dead of night and needs to go to the bathroom.

69汤姆立刻掏出正宗的巴罗刀,没挖到四英寸深就碰到了木头。Tom's "real Barlow" was out at once, and he had not dug four inches before he struck wood.

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博物馆纪录显示,它是在1878年从剑桥前市长弗雷德里·克巴洛那里获得的。Museum records show it was acquired from the former Mayor of Cambridge Frederic Barlow in 1878.

他走到近处的一根烂树干旁边,开始用他的巴露折刀在一头开挖起来。He went to a rotten log near at hand and began to dig under one end of it with his Barlow knife.

“他们想装上唯一的图像米苏拉塔的黎波里,沿海公路上,”巴洛说。"The only imagery they wanted loaded on was Misurata to Tripoli, on that coastal road, " Barlow said.

“他们的文化和拉斯维加斯的这个城市非常匹配就像手跟手套一样。”巴罗说。"They have a culture that fits like a hand in a glove right here in downtown Las Vegas, " Barlow said.

Barlow说,这个数据库致力于“在分子层次上为中国和西方医学提供一个连接”。The database aims to "provide a link between Chinese and Western medicine on a molecular level, " said Barlow.

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Google对住在巴洛街和雷克街之间斯密斯伍德小区、第三代爱尔兰裔美国人的一些用户表示遗憾。Google expressed regret to some of its third-generation Irish-American users on Smithwood between Barlow and Lake.

我们要超越巴卢概念,以达到这个目标的紧凑型,高功率,充分校正图像放大器。We had to go beyond the Barlow concept to achieve the goal of a compact, high power, fully corrected image amplifier.

中国狮的行政总裁接受好莱坞报采访时称“我们将尽量加大发行量。”“We’re looking at as wide as possible a release,” China Lion Chief Executive Milt Barlow told the Hollywood Reporter.

而昨晚,贾森·奥林奇、霍华德·唐纳德、马克·欧文以及歌曲创作者盖瑞·巴洛用获奖庆祝了他们出人意料的回归。But Jason Orange, Howard Donald, Mark Owen and songwriter Gary Barlow were yesterday celebrating of their unlikely comeback.

在炸毁了机场附近的港口,巴洛推出约10飞行试验,而卡扎菲的火炮应声倒下只有几英里之遥。On the bombed-out airfield near the port, Barlow launched about 10 test flights while Gadhafi's artillery crashed down only a few miles away.

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这也有助于他们为自己的医学实践辩护并且证明他们的药物可以得到科研的支持,”Barlow说。It also helps them defend their own medical practices and show that their remedies can be backed up by scientific investigation, " Barlow said.

不过,由自然的,其消极力量的镜头,一巴卢会做更多工作不仅仅是增加放大,而不论有多少元素。However, by the nature of its negative power lens, a Barlow will do more than just increase magnification, regardless of the number of elements.

巴罗说,公众部门与私营部门的合作促成了捷步达康的交易,最后达到了商业区发展的宏伟目标。Barlow said it took the public and private sector working together to make the Zappos deal happen and to bring the vision to improve the downtown.