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我是一只小狗,汪汪汪。I'm a dog, woof woof woof.

它的灵魂是如此复杂以至于无法调整它自身于我们社会组织的黏滑的纬线中。Its soul is too complex to adjust itself to the slimy woof of our social fabric.

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索哈尼提示玛塔,当爱好分歧时,婚姻的根底能够会不坚定。Cable haney tip marta, when love, marriage woof of differences will not firmness.

本剧以春夏秋冬四季为经纬线索。This drama is classics woof to all alone with the four seasons of Chun Xiaqiu winter.

谢孝彰却在部队树立了稳定的“大众根底”,争得了军心。But in the army XieXiaoZhang set the stability of "the mass", achieved molecular woof.

在“纬”,当你点燃一盘易燃液体,如汽油是一种爆燃。The "woof" you get when igniting a dish of flammable liquid such as gasoline is a deflagration.

啾。不过那只是一只苍蝇。哞。我想我会哭。喵。她毫无预料的吞下了苍蝇。汪。噢,天啊!Tweet. But it's only a fly. Moo. I think I'll cry. Meow. She gulped it out of the sky. Woof. Oh, My!

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上天织机所采取的经纬线,虽较比地上织机所能用的更为精致,然而却更为牢固。The loom of heaven weaves with warp and woof finer, yet more firm, that can be woven by the looms of earth.

该文就制织起绒布产生纬缩的主要原因及消除方法作些探讨。This paper inquired into the main factors for woof shrink and its control method in raising cloth production.

你们应该体会到,当你安排一条绳时,你永远没有办法,将两端在纬线的部分连接起来。You should realize that, when you lay out a string, you never manage to join the two ends together in the woof.

还有,利用柏拉图的想象我们可以发现,正义和国家是编织具有某种质地和纹理的织品和织物的经线与纬线。Or, to use a Platonic image, justice and the State are the warp and the woof which run through the whole texture.

脱脱听话地又跑回餐厅,对着夫人“汪,汪”叫了两声,表明他已经通知科莱特了。Tuotuo obediently ran back to the restaurant, facing the lady, "Woof, woof" called twice, that he had informed Klaette was.

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电影后,电影已经巧妙地把隐匿到帷幄能力的美国认为,所有的幌子下的娱乐。Movie after movie has cleverly brought the occult into the warp and woof of American thought, all under the disguise of entertainment.

这样你就应该被挠,除非你认为她是一个感觉灵敏的猫,她理解毛线团f意味着滚动。In that case you deserved to get scratched unless you really thought she was such a perceptive cat that she'd understand woof woof meant roll over.

你可以用"汪汪"这个词来表示"狗",因为它听起来像只狗,但你却无法使用一个听起来像国家的词,来表示"国家"You might choose to use a word for "Dog" as "Woof woof" because it sounds like a dog but you can't use a word for "Country" that sounds like a country.

当它们可以和谐地在一起运作的时候,不管是从门罗主义到马歇尔计划也好,它们都是国际事务处理的参考基础。When woven together, as they would be in policies ranging from the Monroe Doctrine to the Marshall Plan, they were the warp and woof of a sturdy foreign policy.

麻将技巧是麻将竞技的根底,技巧只需在,心态平稳的情况下,搓麻将的水平才可得到正常的体现。Mahjong skills are the warp and woof of mahjong competition, skills in, under the condition of stable mentality, the level of the persons, just normal can be obtained.

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本文介绍切片观察毛巾结构,并依据经纬纱的几何形态计算经纬纱织缩率。This paper introduced the method to survey the structure of towel by the cross section. The shrinkage percentage of warp and woof yarns is calculated on the basis of their geometry morphology.