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值得一提的是,极少数大型掠食动物至少暂时打破了这一宿命。A few big predators have memorably beaten the odds, at least for a while.

这本书包含了一些难忘下流的角色及有伤风化的描述。The book includes some memorably seedy characters and scabrous description.

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斯坦普尔明确地将这一合约视为“双赢”,而实际上它创造的是“赢-输”的格局。Stempel memorably referred to the contract as a "win-win" when it actually was a "win-lose."

正如奥巴马总统的前内阁成员指出的那样,不应该浪费过去任何一个重大的危机。As President Obama's former chief of staff memorably pointed out, no serious crisis should go to waste.

编写的故事,说明你的时候成功地解决问题或完成难忘。Prepare stories that illustrate times when you have successfully solved problems or performed memorably.

男人尊重那些自食其力的女人,正如一个华尔街金融男曾给一个想傍大款的美丽女人留下的难忘忠告所示。Men respect women who make their own money, as one Wall Street man memorably reminded a beautiful young gold-digger.

他在曼联也曾经是这么干的,最值得记住的就是处子秀对费内巴切的帽子戏法。He has done it for United, most memorably on his debut when he scored a hat-trick versus Fenerbahce in the Champions League.

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生活中值得铭记的时刻,与家人或朋友呆一起发生的事件,还有其他相似的情况也会被储存到长期记忆中。A memorably moment in your life, events with family or friends, and other similar kinds of situations also get stored in long-term memory.

但是他也找到了其他有利位置,可以凝视纽约的黑暗面,最印象深刻的是曼哈顿的市政法院。But he also finds other vantage points from which to gaze at the heaving muck of New York, most memorably Manhattan’s municipal courthouse.

贝卢斯科尼一向“语出惊人”,就连奥巴马也难逃他的“毒舌”,他曾评价奥巴马“年轻、帅气、皮肤黝黑”,评价实在令人“难忘”。Mr Berlusconi's mastership of the public gaffe has also been extended to President Obama, whom he memorably described as "young, handsome and tanned".

贝卢斯科尼一向“语出惊人”,就连奥巴马也难逃他的“毒舌”,他曾评价奥巴马“年轻、帅气、皮肤黝黑”,这一评价实在令人“难忘”。Mr Berlusconi's mastership of the public gaffe has also been extended to President Obama, whom he memorably described as "young, handsome and tanned".

欧文那届杯赛开始也是替补,再圣艾蒂安一球成名之前他只是逐渐的打上主力。Owen started that tournament as a substitute, too, only gradually playing his way into the starting line-up before seizing his moment so memorably in St-Etienne.

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像阿莱格罗和莫里斯玛丽娜那样的英国汽车,在人们的记忆中一度被称之为车轮上的跳板,现在成为了那个愚昧时代国耻的象征。British cars like the Allegro and the Morris Marina, once memorably described as a skip on wheels, have come to embody the national humiliation of that benighted era.

非裔美国人在这条街的历史上也占有很重要的地位,布鲁斯演唱家马迪沃特斯、大比尔布伦齐和小威尔斯等人在这里的表演给人们留下了不可磨灭的印象。African-Americans also figure prominently in the street's history, most memorably through performances by bluesmen like Muddy Waters, Big Bill Broonzy and Junior Wells.

这里随处可见寺庙,最令人印象深刻的是那座小小的帕华可寺,那里橙色的墙上有各色慑人的壁画,描绘着白虎这类珍禽异兽。Here and there is the occasional temple, most memorably the tiny Wat Paa Huak, which has orange walls covered with stunning murals depictingexotica such as white tigers.

诚如美国的一位预言家斯图尔特布兰德说的这样一番令人印象深刻的话,“信息需要被共享,”新型生物学中有一门课就完全是关于信息方面的。As Stewart Brand, an American futurologist, memorably put it, "information wants to be free, " and one of the lessons of the new biology is that it is all about information.

他的教练在回忆测试时看到的那个14岁的边锋时说,“他在球场上看起来很放松很自然,就像荒野中追逐锡箔片的小狗一样”。His manager memorably said on seeing the 14-year-old winger in his trial that "he looked as relaxed and natural on the park as a dog chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind".

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在一篇令人难忘的文章中,这家公司被形容为一条“吸血的人面大章鱼,把吸血触手无情的伸进任何有金钱味道的地方”。One profile memorably likened the firm to a “ great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”

从1990年代中期至今,阿莫多瓦的所有成熟的作品中,那看似轻浮愚蠢、女性化的创作方式恰恰显探索了情感上、智力上的深刻事物。As in all the films of his maturity from the mid-1990s onwards, Almodóvar, while often appearing camp and frivolous, memorably explores profound emotional and intellectual matters.

那么,如果飞机被延误五小时,或和“大闺女”难以忘怀地那次一样在飞机开始呕吐,我的这种态度还能保持吗?Now, would I have been able to keep up this attitude if our flight had been delayed for five hours?Or if the Big Girl started throwing up on the airplane, as she once memorably did?