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我们必须努力奋斗。We must strive and fend.

我们必须抵御贫穷。We must fend against poverty.

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我试着挡开,但太迟了。I tried to fend but it was too late.

许多员工必须独立照顾自己。Many employees have to fend for themselves.

他能用胳膊挡开这一击。He was able to fend off the blow with his arm.

你能用你的篙子把另一条船撑开吗?Can you fend off the other boat with your pole?

几个部落联合起来抵抗侵略者。Several tribes allied to fend off the invaders.

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他们现在是孤儿,我们一定要抚养他们。They are now orphans and we must fend for them.

金姆举起手,似乎是要挡开他的朋友。Kim put up his hand, as if to fend off his friend.

它不过是一个极其便宜的打发饥饿的地方。It was an extremely cheap place to fend off hunger.

他举手将树枝从他眼前档开。He raised his arm up to fend branches from his eyes.

为了保卫祖国,我们必须自强不息。To de fend our country we must strengthen ourselves.

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她抬起胳膊将树枝从她眼前挡开。She raised her arm up to fend branches from her eyes.

我是否还能战胜我的邪念并且感到我是被爱着的?Will I even be able to fend off my demons and feel loved?

雄黄酒,可用不可饮!Adults drink realgar wine, which can fend off evil spirits.

有了这条简易的腰带,你便可以挡开对你身体的攻击。With this simple sash, you fend off attacks against your body.

总统未能拉到足够票数去避过弹劾。The President couldn't muster the votes to fend off impeachment.

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这种简单的技巧有助于避免恶意的脚本注入。This simple trick helps you fend off malicious script injections.

与此同时,视频游戏公司必须阻止对其游戏的非法制售。Companies, meanwhile, must fend off bootleg versions of their games.

那么,我们如何在意外发生时抵御不良情绪而保持乐观呢?How can we stay positive and fend off negativity when it comes our way?