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奥尔加不久和一个军官结了婚。并离开了家。Olga soon afterward married an army man and left home.

奥尔佳·科布特独自一人将体操变成了一项重要赛事。Olga Korbut single-handedly turned gymnastics into a major event.

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奥尔加承认要跟上变化的步伐一度很艰难。Olga admitted it had been hard to keep up with the pace of change.

捷克人通常不习惯将感情外露,但奥尔加很明显地动了情。Czechs don't usually display much emotion, but Olga was clearly moved.

奥尔嘉夫人走进门来,将门关上,朝。Madame Olga comes forward through door, closes door and steps forward to Maureen.

这一幕发生在莫斯科动物园里的有趣场景是由37岁的业余摄影师奥尔加-格拉迪斯史娃抓拍的。The hilarious moment at Moscow Zoo was captured by amateur photographer Olga Gladysheva, 37.

这还意味着Jack没有任何途径来处理无数的,由Olga不断施加在他身上的侮辱。It also meant Jack had no way of processing the countless indignities Olga kept inflicting on him.

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奥尔加进行,以配合尤了一个吹风机线,封口他拖到他变成了一个储藏室。Olga proceeded to tie Viktor up with a hair-dryer cord, gagged him and dragged him into a storage room.

“利用好每一个接触新语言的机会,”俄语翻译欧嘉•迪米特罗肯科娃说。"Use every opportunity to get exposed to the new language, " says Russian translator Olga Dmitrochenkova.

一旦Olga接受了她的真正恐惧,面临和拥抱她最糟糕一幕带来的是更多的解脱。Once Olga copped to her real fears, facing and embracing her worst-case scenario was even more liberating.

严浩民来到奥尔加旅馆后在王德彪耳旁说了悄悄话,王德彪借机出门。Yan Haomin came to the Olga hotel in the ears of Wang Debiao whispered, Wang Debiao took the opportunity to go out.

2002年在瑞士卢森举行的世界老兵运动会上,她和拉脱维亚一个叫欧尔加的选手配对获75岁以上女双冠军。In 2002 at the World Veterans in Lucerne, Switzerland, she teamed with Olga Devicenska of Latvia to win the over 75 yrs. women doubles.

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浮冰缩小到几米宽,因为它漂流到挪威的斯瓦巴特海峡,这促使北极熊萎缩在中间。The drifting ice shrank to just a few yards wide as it drifted down the Olga Strait of Svalbard, Norway, forcing the bears to huddle in the middle.

当然了,毕加索没有准备安定下来,于是他为了多拉马尔离开了玛丽泰雷兹。就像他为了玛丽泰雷兹离开他妻子奥尔加一样。Of course, Picasso wasn't completely ready to settle down, and he left Marie Therese for Dora Maar just like he left his wife Olga for Marie Therese.

媒体需要某个人走出来,成为蒙特利尔奥运会的宠儿,就像四年前在慕尼黑奥运会上夺得三枚金牌的奥尔佳•柯巴特。The media needed someone to step up and become the darling of the Montreal Olympics, much like Olga Korbut had four years earlier with three golds in Munich.

据俄罗斯著名社会学者奥莉加·库留西塔诺夫斯卡娅说,这个夏天在格鲁吉亚爆发的战争,是克里姆林宫一直渴望重建“小型苏联”计划的一部分。According to Olga Kryshtanovskaya, Russia's leading sociologist, this summer's war in Georgia was part a long-cherished Kremlin plan to recreate a "mini-USSR".

智利马里奥兰塔诺和妻子奥尔加雷塔马尔显示图片恢复其在智利的Dichato城市的房子,约30公里,康塞普西翁于2010年3月1日。Chilean Mario Lantano and wife Olga Retamal show pictures recovered from their house in the Chilean city of Dichato, some 30 km from Concepcion on March 1, 2010.

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另一种理论提出,异常出现在主要天气事件之前,如大旋风奥尔加和保罗,及最近几个星期打击维多利亚州的强力风暴。Another theory suggests the anomalies appear before major weather events such as cyclones Olga and Paul and the violent storms which hit Victoria in recent weeks.

但是,当尤尝试接受她的贡献,奥尔加米兰惊讶他迅速冲至胸,风敲了他的面前,她翻转他到地面。But when Viktor tried to accept her contribution, Olga surprised him with a quick punch to the chest, knocking the wind out of him before she flipped him to the ground.

2010年8月25日,纳霍德卡东北240公里以外的奥尔加湾,普京正在用弩瞄准一头鲸,以便取下它的一块皮肤作分析。Vladimir Putin aims at a whale with a crossbow, to take a piece of its skin for analysis on the Olga Bay, some 240 kilometers north-east of Nakhodka, on August 25, 2010.