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淄博具有得天独厚的耐火材料资源。Zibo has a unique refractory resources.

也可以作为耐火材料之用。It also can be used as refractory materials.

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河北清河县耐火材料集团有限责任公司。Qinghe county refractory material group co. ltd.

难治性物质的抗生物降解。Refractory substances resistant to biodegradation.

一些难降解有机物是有毒的水生生物。Some refractory organics are toxic to aquatic life.

由此合成的结合剂适用于含碳耐火材料的制造。It is suitable to make refractory containing carbon.

泡沫型模用难熔材料覆盖。The foam pattern is coated with a refractory material.

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氧化铜铁矿石属难选矿石。Copper-iron oxide ores are classified as refractory ores.

砷金矿石属于难处理金矿石之一。Arsenical gld ore is one kind of the most refractory ores.

镁铬砖是一种应用较为广泛的碱性耐火材料。Magnesia-chromite brick is a widely used basic refractory.

目前还是一种难治性疾病,治疗上决非一种药物可以解决。It is a refractory disease, there is not a drug can crue it.

公司现在拥有难熔金属的加工设备。The company now has a refractory metal processing equipment.

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因夹杂炉渣或耐火材料颗粒而造成的不纯净钢。Dirty steel due to entrapment of slag or pieces of refractory.

总结了可溶性耐火纤维生物性能的测试方法。The development of bio-soluble refractory fibres was reviewed.

概要介绍了耐火纤维的发展趋势。The development trend of refractory fibers was briefed as well.

炉门必须能耐高温且密封良好以防热量损失。Oven's doors must be hermetic to prevent heat loss and refractory.

耐热钢在还原性气氛下工作时,常发生粉化剥落现象。Refractory steel often occurs pulverization and peeling phenomena.

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为预测耐火纤维材料的热物性探索了一条新方法。So it can be used to predict thermal properties of refractory fibers.

目的提高儿童顽固性马蹄内翻足畸形的治疗效果。Objective To improve the treatment of refractory clubfoot in children.

路是大地一道难愈的伤痕,因此人生每一步都是隐隐的痛。Road is a refractory wound the earth, so life every step is dull pain.