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成果在全行首屈一指。In the forefront of all results.

现在,我们处于高科技的最前沿。Presently, we’re at the forefront of high technology.

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神华集团再次站到了发展的前沿。Shenhua is once again at the forefront of development.

中国将跻身于对抗气候变化的前沿。China will be at the forefront of combating climate change.

面对危险,我们的子弟兵总是冲在最前面。Faced with danger, our army always rushes to the forefront.

因性聪敏而又勤学,每试必列前茅。Sexual Congmin but Diligence, each test must be out forefront.

而写真中的她,则再次走上了时尚最前沿,尽展精灵本色。And she again, the photo on the fashionable forefront and elves.

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准军事部队已经部署在了最前线。Paramilitary troops have been at the forefront of the crackdown.

很容易理解为何犹太人在争取移民的战斗中冲锋在前。Jews were understandably at the forefront of the emigration battle.

积极思考是每个伟大成功故事的前奏。Positive thinking is at the forefront of every great success story.

这项裁决将沃克摆在在同性婚姻辩论的最前端。The ruling puts Walker at the forefront of the gay marriage debate.

任何女人谁穿维拉王是在时尚的最前沿始终。Any woman who wears Vera Wang is always at the forefront of fashion.

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引领湖湘食尚前沿、共建厨师交流平台!Fresh still lead the forefront of Hunan build cooks exchange platform!

同类产品中走在了高档地板国产化的前列。Similar products in the walk in the forefront of high-end domestic floor.

尽管邦德乐队是在最显著的位置,但是我们又加上了巨大的管弦乐声音。Bond are still at the forefront but we have this massive orchestral sound.

他登上三阶地的最前线,致敬的改变。He ascended the three terraces in the forefront to pay tribute at the alter.

商品将仍受到关注,其中黄金及原油是重中之重。Commodities will continue to be in focus, with Gold and Oil at the forefront.

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阿童木有力地推动了日本的机器人学,使得今天的日本走在了机器人研究的前沿。He's a big reason why Japan is at the forefront of android development today.

中国如何跃至制造,贸易和技术的前沿?How has China vaulted to the forefront in manufacturing, trade and technology?

在过去200年里,希腊俨然已经处在欧洲革命的前沿阵地。For the past 200 years, Greece has been at the forefront of Europe’s evolution.