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难道这不值得去重新发现吗?Would it not worthwhile to rediscover?

让我们在慢车道上去重新发现生活吧。Let's rediscover life in the slow lane.

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写作帮助我重新发现自己。Writing has helped me to rediscover myself.

每个年代都需要重新发现它自己的资源。Every generation needs to rediscover its own resources.

那么今天你有没有”放小点声音,重新体验安静呢?Well, did you "keep it down, and rediscover silence" today?

但现在所做的都是之前的大师们已经所做过的。But all they had to do is rediscover what the masters already knew.

你可以重新找到起航点,离开那条快速却又没有终点的轨迹。You can rediscover your anchor and get off the fast track to nowhere.

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他投篮太快了,导致太阳再次找到快攻的节奏。He shot too quickly and let the Suns rediscover their up-tempo identity.

看来周三对拜仁的次回合比赛,曼联得好好找找自己新的动力源了。United now have to rediscover their dynamism for Wednesday's rematch with Bayern.

我们需要重新认识什么也不做,坐着不动和享受沉默是怎么回事。We need to rediscover what it’s like to do nothing, to sit still, to enjoy silence.

找回传说中的空间射击行动,在一个新的版本更出色的图形!Rediscover the legendary space shoot' em- up in a new version with stunning graphics!

它还拥有一段世人才刚刚开始重新发现的引人注目的历史。It also has a compelling history that the rest of the world is starting to rediscover.

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赢得战争要求他们重新发现马基雅维利的古典共和价值观。Winning the war required them to rediscover the classical republican values of Machiavelli.

在玻利维亚,慈济志工帮助一位台湾华侨,重拾健康和家庭之爱。In Bolivia, Tzu Chi volunteers help a Taiwanese expatriate rediscover health and family warmth.

所以,时不时地跳出舒适的领域,重新去发现不适的感觉其实是多么美好。So venture out of your comfort zone now and again, and rediscover how good discomfort can feel.

建筑空间给游客以奢侈感受,让游客发现古老的洗澡方式的好处。This space was designed for visitors to luxuriate and rediscover the ancient benefits of bathing.

马特和路易莎重新找回了他们对彼此的爱意。他们演唱他们的情歌,“那就是你”。Matt and Luisa rediscover their love for each other. They sing their song of love, "They Were You".

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一般而言,同一团队内部或跨团队的雇员都会再发现这些信息。Often, employees within the same team and even more often across teams, rediscover the same information.

通过两个简单的步骤和一些练习,你就可以重新找回那远古时代的直觉。With just a couple of simple steps and a little bit of practice, you can rediscover that age old instinct.

阿尔塞纳。温格相信当他的球员们再次发现他们足球中的乐趣的时候,阿森纳的运气将会好转。Arsène Wenger believes Arsenal's fortunes may improve when his players rediscover the fun in their football.