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如果你做过不耻的交易,你将来会后悔。You will regret for do a ignominious trade.

然而,阿富汗战争或许会在一场不光彩的撤军中结束。The Afghan war may yet end in an ignominious retreat.

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阴谋总是以可耻的结尾告终!The conspiracy frittered away to ignominious conclusion.

这些阴谋以可耻的失败而告终。The conspiracy frittered away to an ignominious conclusion.

四年前,他遭受了首轮出局的耻辱。Four years ago, he suffered an ignominious first-round exit.

社会媒体的支持者对这种盲从的小插曲并不反对。Social media backers take that ignominious episode in stride.

由于她出身王族,这门婚事被认为是奇耻大辱。The marriage was considered especially ignominious since she was of royal descent.

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他既不选择可耻的还外流亡生涯,也不愿意投降接受海牙国际战犯法庭的审判。Not for him an ignominious exile or surrendering to a war-crimes trial in the Hague.

经历了1967年可耻的溃败之后,阿拉伯国家再次拒绝了与以色列和平相处。After the ignominious defeat of 1967, the Arab states again rejected the idea of peace with Israel.

99年历史的沃尔沃斯走到了终点,旗下807间商铺将在明年1月全部关闭。Woolworths' 99-year history came to an ignominious end, with all 807 shops closing by early January.

另个例子是1992年英镑遭到欧洲汇率机制可耻的排除。Another was the pound’s ignominious defenestration from the European exchange-rate mechanism in 1992.

“布莱卫,”庭长说,“您受过一种不名誉的刑罚,您不应当宣誓……”"Brevet," said the President, "you have undergone an ignominious sentence, and you cannot take an oath."

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这样她就成了告诫人们抵制罪恶的活训条了,直到那个耻辱的字母刻到她的墓碑上为止。Thus she will be a living sermon against sin, until the ignominious letter be engraved upon her tombstone.

在巴黎,圆明园的兔和鼠首被拍卖了,拍卖抢来的东西是多么可耻啊!In Paris, Old Summer Palace's rabbit and mouse has been auctioned, the thing auctioned is how ignominious !

躲在黑布后面或是带着眼罩来感受宇宙的辉煌可能不大体面。Hiding under cloth and wearing blinders may seem an ignominious way to experience the glories of the cosmos.

如果美国执意要打肿脸充当星际军事力量之一股,那么它最终会被宇宙大社会打得灰头土脸、满地找牙。The USA will ultimately suffer ignominious defeat by Universe society should it persist as a space military power.

美国政府灰溜溜地输掉了这场官司,两天内陪审团都判定无罪。The government lost that one in ignominious fashion, with the jury returning an innocent verdict in all of two days.

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这些作恶者必须要明白,他们的下场会像古往今来的那些可耻的前人一样,为自己犯下的罪行接受审判。Perpetrators must know that like their ignominious predecessors through history, they will face judgment for their crimes.

在相隔许多凄风苦雨的岁月之前,海丝特·白兰曾经在那上面遭到世人轻辱的白眼。Where, LONG. since, with all that dreary lapse of time between, Hester Prynne had encountered the world's ignominious stare.

这种私字膨胀而越雷池的做法,是心灵深处不光彩区域结出的有损他人的果子。This expansion of the private word go approach is the bottom of his heart ignominious yield to the detriment of others regional fruit.