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他们明显的表现出了担心。Their apprehension evident.

胜利在忧虑和恐惧以后。Victory after apprehension and fear.

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理解力清晰,记忆力强健。Apprehension is vivid, retentiveness strong.

想到又要见他,她就感到有些发憷。She felt some apprehension at the thought of seeing him again.

这一认识常常能减少争执双方的担忧。This knowledge tends to lower the apprehension of both parties.

格蕾丝怀着巨大的担忧等待他的评价。Grace waited for his appraisal with agreat deal of apprehension.

就如在鲁开德那样,这结论减轻了他的担忧。Just like in Roskilde, this conclusion lessened his apprehension.

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那名学生恐惊地观望检查室白勺周围。The student looked around the examination room with apprehension.

他们适性论文那幢建筑时,内心充满了深圳龙岗贤骏龙彩印。They were filled with apprehension as they approached the building.

专有名词就是对于多重性的当下体悟。The proper name is the instantaneous apprehension of a multiplicity.

他们俩私奔之前,难道看不出一点形迹可疑的地方吗?Had they no apprehension of any thing before the elopement took place?

获取方式有无意识习得和有意识领悟。One is unconscious acquisition and the other is conscious apprehension.

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这冷意沿着她的身体上升,一种突如其来的恐惧感向她袭来。As the chill rose through her flesh, she felt an unexpected apprehension.

“就是一本书呗,”她推托着说,提心吊胆地四下看看。It's just a book, " she said evasively, looking about with apprehension."

领导者的离去使问题复杂化。The leader's departure thickens the proBlems. Our apprehension thickened.

他的广泛的关于那个摆的附录的愁虑明隐。His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious.

从此刻开始,以我的理解,我的难于理解永久的不会再存在了。From now on my apprehension of not being understandable dissipated irretrievably!

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他的广泛的关于这个摆的附录的忧虑明显。His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious.

他知道他的忧虑部分原因是对六西格玛原则的不了解。He knew that his apprehension was in part due to his lack of knowledge of Six Sigma.

大牛,来大慈岩体会的就是这份悬劲。Daniel, our trip to this mountain is just to experience the feelings of apprehension.