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算例表明,该文的方法简单、有效。Examples indicate simpleness and efficiency of this method.

实验结果表明,该装置简单可行。Devices' simpleness and validity are proved by the experimental result.

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简单,是一个非常本质的东西,禅宗思想也是最强调这一点。Simpleness is a very essential thing, and the zen ideology also emphasize this point.

STL文件因其简单和通用性好,一直作为快速成型领域的准标准。STL is the criterion in rapid prototyping field because of its simpleness and currency.

科技英语的翻译要求准确、通顺、简练。The translation of the sci-tech English requires the accuracy, smoothness and simpleness.

有限差分法因其方法简单、精度高而得到了广泛的应用。Because of simpleness and high-accuracy, finite-difference modeling has been applied wildly.

简单,是唯一非比寻常本质的物品,禅宗思想也是最强调这一点。Simpleness is a Very abundance essential thing, and the zen ideology too emphasize the point.

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初步的仿真结果表明,使用的三维重建算法简单、重建精度高、成像速率快。The preliminary experimental results demonstrate the simpleness and effectiveness of the methods.

STL文件因其简单和通用性好,一直作为快速成型领域的准标准。STL file is the de facto criterion in rapid prototyping field because of its simpleness and currency.

PB中数据窗口的打印支持过于简单,它只简单地将选定数据窗口原样送入打印队列。The PB print support is too simpleness. It only simply send the data Window unvarnished to print queue.

其软件结构应遵循可靠、简单、界面友好等基本原则。The software structure should be under the principle of the reliability, simpleness and friendly interface.

幼儿的社会玩耍行为经历了从无到有,从简单到复杂,从力量型到技巧型的发展过程。The behaviors of social play had a development process from simpleness to complexity, from strength to skill.

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处理效率高,流程简单是酱油废水处理技术的发展趋势。The process of high efficiency and simpleness is developing tendency of sauce wastewater treatment technology.

它的数量由少变多,字体由复杂变成简单,变得越来越完善。Amount change from few to even more, letterform change from complication to simpleness , it is more and more perfect.

室内外空间设计在舒适性的同时突出商务环境的简洁清晰。Indoor &outdoor space design should focus on the simpleness and clearness of the bussiness atmosphere as well besides comfortableness.

这是一种新兴的、有效的合成结构有序纳米复合材料的方法,其具有快速、简便、高效的特点。EISA is a new and effective approach for preparing MSC material, which has characteristics of quickness, simpleness and high efficiency.

这是一种新兴的、有效合成结构有序纳米复合材料的方法,具有快速、简便、高效的特点。EISA is a new and effective approach for preparing MSC materials, which has characteristics of quickness, simpleness and high efficiency.

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本系统具有简洁、快速、精度高和成本低的特点,对相关应用有很好的借鉴意义。This system enjoys effectiveness, simpleness , high precision and low cost. It can be used for reference in developing other applications.

同有声语言相比较,人体语言具有独特的可靠性、隐喻性、言简意赅性以及强烈的感染力和吸引力。Body language compares with sound language , has its reliability, implied meaning, simpleness , also has its' strong effectiveness and charming.

该系统具有结构完整、简单实用的特点,并在实际模拟环境中给出较好的检测效果。This IDS has Characteristics of integrity and simpleness utility, preferably detection effect is presented in practicality simulated environment.