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这是一对老年夫妇了。This is an elderly couple.

老野猴也跑过来。And elderly monkey comes over.

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虽不全是,但大部分都是年长的人。Most, though not all, are elderly.

一个老律师就要死了罼。An elderly lawyer was about to die.

谁来保护年迈体衰的夫妇?Who is to protect the elderly couple?

帮助老人搬东西。Help an elderly person carry something.

寿星指的是南极老人。Shouxing refers to the Antarctic elderly.

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社会应该为老年人提供支援。Society should support its elderly people.

他上了年纪,有双明亮的蓝眼睛。He was rather elderly with clear blue eyes.

我正在照看一位名叫利兹的老妇人。I am looking after an elderly lady named Liz.

外交家支持了兰尼。The elderly diplomat came to Lanny's support.

今天,我在迈阿密的一间酒吧碰到一个老人。Today, I met an elderly man at a bar in Miami.

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我们不应该没有礼貌地对老年人说话。We should not speak to the elderly impolitely.

一个衣冠楚楚的老仆人开了门。A well-dressed elderly servant opened the door.

啊,老桥,你如一位德高望重的老人。Ah, the old bridge, you as a respected elderly.

一个上了年纪的男人请医生为他作健康检查。An elderly man visits the doctor for a checkup.

那位年长的女士从书本上抬起眼睛。The elderly lady lifted her eyes from the book.

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你得撕破老年的蛊惑人心的网。You have to tear the elderly demagogic network.

护士熟练地脱去了较老病人的衣服。The nurse disrobed the elderly patient expertly.

敬祝这些长者们返老还童,永远年轻。Wish the elderly rejuvenation and youth forever.