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凉爽流畅的百威清淡型。永远值得。Refreshingly smooth Bud Light. Always worth it.

这是一种非常简单,但是十分强大的方法。It is a refreshingly simple, yet powerful approach.

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香瓜、柠檬与些许花香、蜂蜜。些微的酸喝起来很清爽。Mellon and lemon with flowers and honey hints. Refreshingly acidity.

够爽吧,破解神秘并不总是靠科学家。Refreshingly enough, the myth-busting didn't always come from scientists.

而且在许多细微之处,菅直人的高层阁僚都代表着一次清新振作而大胆的选择。And in a myriad of subtle ways Mr Kan's top team represents a refreshingly bold choice.

在五花八门的微妙方式中,菅先生的顶尖团队代表了一种清新大胆的选择。And in a myriad of subtle ways Mr Kan’s top team represents a refreshingly bold choice.

如果你在网上约会是老手,你会发现BBW交友网站不同令人耳目一新。If you're an old hand at online dating, you'll find BBW dating sites refreshingly different.

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我认为这没有什么不对的,但当我在自己的表格上看到这一项时,这个目标看起来似乎不再那么正确了。I see nothing wrong with it, but when I see it on my form it no longer looks refreshingly true.

通过探寻此地完完全全的真实面来体验城市的肮脏面。Experience the city's grungier side by exploring this region which is refreshingly down to earth.

远岸的重山透出清新的绿,在水中映出斑驳的倒影。Mountains, now refreshingly green in the distant shores, made vacillating reflections in the water.

此款白酒非常新鲜清醇,含有丰富矿物质,浓厚的苹果和柑橘香味。This fresh white wine commands a refreshingly elegant character offering mineral, citrus and green aoole aromas.

尼克莱德斯教授本人的祖母在53岁时生了一个孩子,他对大龄生育持正面的新观点,假如算不上离经叛道的话。Professor Nicolaides, whose own grandmother had a child at 53, takes a refreshingly positive – if unconventional – view.

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实际上,你是相当诚实的,你说你不知道你的旅行带来的影响,即使知道也不会有所改变。In fact, you are refreshingly honest – you say you do not know the impact of your travel, and would not change if you did.

RTE的委托编辑,娱乐,埃迪杜可风说,这个节目是一个“令人耳目一新爱尔兰采取对现实电视”。RTE commissioning editor, entertainment, Eddie Doyle said the show was a " refreshingly Irish take on reality television".

在中国这个许多女性将步入婚姻殿堂视为通向财富最可靠途径的国家,上述方式的直接了当令人耳目一新。The approach is refreshingly direct in a country where many women see the surest path to wealth as being down the wedding aisle.

一种对待不同信条的观点出现了,其轻松感令人耳目一新,这是工党执政时期明显缺乏的。There is a refreshingly relaxed view towards rival philosophies, which was notably absent from the Labour Party when it was in power.

在一个清爽容易消化的风格,加强了所有的书,我相信,已成为在过去11年的小企业主住。In a refreshingly easy-to-digest style, the book reinforces all that I believe and have lived as a small business owner for the last 11 years.

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张衡在文学变迁的东汉时期,与抒情本质相适应,力图运用新鲜的语言、自然的意象来创造艺术形象。In the period of East Han, the literature was changed, on the basis of the emotions , Zhang Heng tried to create the imagery in a refreshingly lucid style.

柠檬油使用在护发产品中能赋予头发光泽,其香甜,果香般清新干净和柠檬清香的特性也赋予它额外的价值。Lemon oil imparts shine to the hair when added to hair products, and is also valued for its characteristic sweet, fruity refreshingly clean, lemony fragrance.

葛林在对很多挑战性的科学观点的解释上有种罕见的天赋,每个人都能为他富于洞察力的解释感到眼前一亮。"Greene has a rare gift for explaining the most challenging scientific ideas, and everyone can appreciate his refreshingly insightful explanations."--Jennifer