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他对我的信总是迟迟不作答复。He always replied rather tardily to my letters.

它们看起来很可爱,性格温顺,合作,乐于分享食物。They are good-natured, co-operative creatures, and they share their food tardily.

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哭喊声和绵长的哀乐缭绕着他们,渐渐地他们有着同样的感到,有点饥饿了。The cry and funeral music were hovering around them, tardily , they both felt hungry.

最高法院上个月斥责总理辛格针对2G一案的行动太拖沓。The Supreme Court last month upbraided Mr Singh for moving far too tardily over the 2G scam.

本文主要针对目前导致中国市场电子商务发展缓慢的原因之一信用问题进行了讨论。This paper aims at credit problem which is one of the important reasons that lead to E-commerce developing tardily.

蒋介石迟迟至事变后十日才在庐山发表谈话,确定了准备对日抗战的方针。Ten days elapsed before Chiang Kai-shek tardily made a public statement at Lushan announcing armed resistance to Japan.

组织承诺是员工经过较长时间的体验而缓慢形成的、较为稳定的一种态度或行为倾向。Organizational commitment is an attitude or behavioral intention shaped tardily via long term experiences of the employee.

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组织承诺是员工经过较长时间的体验而缓慢形成的、较为稳定一种态度或行为倾向。Organizational Commitment is an attitude or behavioral intention shaped tardily via a long term experiences of the employee.

在最初的几分钟内,钙转化率增加迅速,产物层形成后基本不再增加。The calcium utility obtained rapid increase in the initial stage and became tardily after the formation of the product layer.

实验结果表明,缓释技术能够减缓连串副反应速率,大大提高产物二甲基乙醇胺的收率。The results showed that the rate of sidereaction was decreased and the product yield was significantly improved by adding a proper tardily releasing agent.

长期以来,由于企业信用观念淡薄、相关法律不健全等原因,导致我国融资性商业票据市场发展非常缓慢。Because of the weakness of our enterprise's credit idea and distempered ness of related law, the development of commercial bill in our country is very tardily.

目前,世界上高速铁路的总里程已近5000公里,但主要是运行旅客列车,而高速货物列车发展则较为缓慢。At the present, the total mileage of the world high-speed railway is nearly 5000km, which passenger car mainly runs on, and Development of high-speed freight car is tardily.

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一些评论员认为就业市场的不景气为美联储先发制人的做法进行了很好的辩护,另外一些人士认为这同样证实了美国中央银行行动相对缓慢。Some commentators claim that the weak jobs count vindicated the Fed’s pre-emptive move, others saw it as more evidence that the America’s central bank had acted too tardily.

依据有机概念图,通过测定分配系数和反应速率,应用缓释技术合成了二甲基乙醇胺。In terms of the organic concept chart, the tardily releasing technique was used to synthesize dimethylaminoethanol by measuring the distribution coefficient and the reaction rate.

有一个人在拥挤的车流中开着车缓缓前进,在等红灯的时候,一个衣衫褴褛的小男孩敲着车窗问他要不要买花。One man drove his car tardily through the congested traffic flow, when he stopped at a red light and heard a knock by a shabby boy on the window to aks if he would like to buy flowers.