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他是个木工。He is a woodworker.

乔安娜的男朋友是个木工。Joanna's boyfriend is a woodworker.

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很快,一个木匠来将棺材盖合上。Soon, a woodworker came to cover the casket.

于台湾高雄的一群木工爱好者。It is an amateur woodworker club in Kaohsiung.

可用于你的木工工作的早期设计和选材过程。Involve your woodworker early in the design and selection process.

一个熟练的工匠能很好地为不同的工作选择工具。A skilled woodworker knows which tool to select for the job at hand.

木工无需钉子或胶水就能打造一个箱子。A woodworker can join a chest together without resort to nails or glue.

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找出“大男孩”权力的工具,必须对每一个严肃木工。Find out which "big boy" power tool is a must for every serious woodworker.

建国以来,我国木工机械工业有了长足的发展。Since founding a state, industry of our country woodworker had great progress.

由卡若·欧本设计,该设计师从8岁起就是名雕塑家和木制品艺术家。Designed by Karl Oppen, who has been a sculptor and woodworker since age eight.

对我而言,在线文档编辑器就象是木匠手中的砧凿——我的手痒想要工作。Buzzword to me is like I imagine a finely forged chisel is to a woodworker — my fingers just itch to get to work.

焊割操作不准与油漆、喷漆、木工等易燃操作同部位、同时间、上下交叉作业。During welding, it should not be involved with the work of oil paint, spray paint and woodworker at the same time.

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可提高木工划线工作效率和尺寸精确度并能减轻劳动。The work efficiency and the dimensional accuracy of scribing of the woodworker can be raised, and the work can be reduced.

Earnest是一位全职艺术教师和木工,他下班回家或者休假的时候,我们就面对面一起画画。Earnest works full time as a woodworker and art teacher, but when he is home or on break, we paint across from one another.

假如锯条没有很锋利的话,木工就要花费更大的力气去完成工作。If a saw blade is not as sharp as it ideally should be the tool and the woodworker will have to work harder to complete the desired task.

如果锯条没有很锋利的话,木工就要花费更大的力气去完成工作。If a saw blade is not as sharp as it ideally should be, the tool and the woodworker will have to work harder to complete the desired task.

传说,有一次王羲之把几个字写在木板上,再拿给刻字木工照着雕刻。It is said that once, Wang Xizhi wrote several characters on a board and took it to a woodworker to have the characters inscribed in the wood.

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记住,对他而言,绘画完全不符合他的个性,要知道,他在意大利是厨师,来旧金山后当木匠。And keep in mind, painting at all was totally out of character for him, given that he had been a cook in Italy and a woodworker when he came to San Francisco.

豫辉木工机械销售中心,是全江西最大型的木工机械销售公司之一,有三十余年木工机械销售经验。Yuhui woodworker marketing center is one of the biggest woodworker companies in Jiangxi province, it has more than 30 years' experience of selling woodworker.

他是法国里尔地区的木匠尤金·鲍秋埃在1871年巴黎公社失败之后创作的歌词,1888年6月16日皮·狄盖特谱的曲。It was written in French by Eugene Pottier , a woodworker from Lille, after the fall of the Paris Commune of 1871, and set to music by P. Degeyter on June 16, 1888.