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一些问题的回答是不熟练的。The answer of some problems is unskillful.

它会是一种不善巧的身业,有苦果、苦报么?。Is it an unskillful bodily act, with painful consequences, painful results?

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它是一种不善巧的意业,有苦果、苦报么?。Is it an unskillful mental act, with painful consequences, painful results?

它会是一种不善巧的语业,有苦果、苦报么?。Is it an unskillful verbal act, with painful consequences, painful results?

我们可以称之为抓住狮子的尾巴,这是不善巧的。We may call this phenomenon catching the lion by its tail, and it is an unskillful thing to do.

因此,我们执著地把快乐和痛苦当真,而我们愚蠢的行为又继续播下来世的种子。As a result we clutch on to happiness and suffering as real, and in our unskillful and ignorant.

肉体已经建立起许多世的催化剂成为习惯的、不熟练的模式。The physical body has built up the catalysts of so many lifetimes into habitual, unskillful patterns.

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禅定者的任务就是通过仔细的观察它来消除这种思维习惯,代替以别的。The meditator 's job is to cancel this unskillful habit by examining it thoroughly, and then replacing it with another.

一个不熟练的新飞行员可能是危险的,在历史上,不熟练的教堂敲钟新手,即使不对人造成危险,也有可能会吵到别人。An unskillful new pilot might be dangerous and historically an unskillful new church bell ringer—if not dangerous—was potentially annoying.

原本我只是眼巴巴地望着它,没想到一向不善于表达宠爱的爷爷,竟然会买下它送给我。I gazed at it eagerly for a long while, not expecting that my grandpa, who was always unskillful to speak out his love, would buy it for me.

不明智的欲求不会真正地让步,直到你能展示出其他带来较少麻烦的欲求能产生更大的快乐。Unskillful desires don't really give way, though, until you can show that other, less troublesome desires actually can produce greater happiness.

不管是对异性恋还是同性恋而言,滥交、放荡和对别人感情的玷污,都会使性行为成为“缺乏技巧的”。Likewise promiscuity, license and the disregard for the feelings of others would make a sexual act unskillful whether it be heterosexual or homosexual.

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紧抓任何脆弱的事物,要求我们注入大量的贪、?、痴,在未来不可避免地导致更多非善巧之业。To hang onto anything fragile requires a large investment of passion, aversion, and delusion, leading inevitably to more unskillful actions on into the future.

在医院做检查,出现医疗事故,怎么样才能让医治做出赔偿?要注意哪些细节?The inspection is made in the hospital, occurrence unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment, how can ability let cure make compensation? What detail should notice?

继续生存和生存的必要性对你而言是天生的,所以你学习没有技巧性的行为是为了让这特殊的生命形式持续下去。To continue to survive and do what is necessary to survive is natural to you, so you learned unskillful behavior in order to allow the continuity of that particular life form.

若双方当事人共同委托医疗事故技术鉴定的,由双方当事人协商预先缴纳鉴定费。Be like bilateral party to entrust technical appraisement of unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment jointly, talk things over by bilateral party beforehand pay appraisal cost.

病案是医护行为的文字见证,是贯彻医疗事故处理条例的焦点。Medical documents are the evidences for the behaviors of doctors and nurses, and they are also the focus for carrying out the rules of unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatments.

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医院请来医疗事故鉴定组鉴定后,灵子是右侧输卵管破裂大出血死亡。After the hospital invites appraisal of group of appraisal of unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment, clever child be on the right side of tubal burst massive haemorrhage dies.

我认为在这引用塞缪尔·约翰逊的话是很合理的,他一生都在写关于弥尔顿的文章,他指出弥尔顿不熟练的寓言成为了这部诗的大败笔之一。It's reasonable, I think, to invoke Dr. Johnson here, Samuel Johnson, who writes in his Life of Milton that Milton's unskillful allegory appears to be one of the greatest faults of the poem.