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你疯了不成?过来,马修…Are you insane?Come here, Marcel.

我们查过了,每人看到马修。We checked, no one's seen Marcel.

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马修是非法的外来动物。Marcel is an illegal exotic animal.

马塞尔格拉诺列尔斯正在加紧为他。Marcel Granollers is stepping in for him.

马塞尔不该独自一人下洞。Marcel shouldn't have gone into it alone.

马歇.马叟于1923年的今天诞生。Marcel Marceau was born on this day in 1923.

马塞尔·塞拉亚获得今年数学竞赛的亚军。Marcel Celaya takes the runner-up prize this year.

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一支广告总是勾起罗斯对马赛尔的思念。A TV commercial featuring a Monkey reminds Ross of Marcel.

正是他的朋友马塞尔·杜尚使他领悟到了这一点。It was his friend Marcel Duchamp who made him realise this.

马塞尔·普鲁斯特镇日待在床上,反覆思索著他的过去。Marcel Proust spent all day in bed, ruminating on his past.

杜尚的行动颇似禅宗的棒喝。Marcel Duchamp's doings are very similar to Koan of Zend Buddhism.

其三,杜尚“反艺术”与后现代主义美术的关系。Its three , Marcel Duchamp'anti-art thoughts and postmodernism art.

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马塞尔和他的朋友们决定第二天一起下洞里去。Marcel and his friends decided to go down the hole together the next day.

马塞尔认为这种转变是“转移注意力的”是因为。The reason that Marcel Rohner thought the chang of approach was "distracting" is.

马塞尔·杜尚在西方艺术史上是一个相当有争议的人物,一直以来是学术界研究的热点对象。In western art history Marcel Duchamp is still the character which has much dispute.

只有德塞利效力蓝军的时候获得了更多的荣誉。Only Marcel Desailly has gained more while sporting his club colours in Chelsea blue.

像德塞利,哈塞尔巴因克和德罗巴这样的黑人球员都对他敬仰有加。The likes of Marcel Desailly, Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink and Didier Drogba look up to him.

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例如,马塞尔·迪尚与达达派运动是否有关,达达派如何解散?。How, for example, does Marcel Duchamp relate to the Dada movement and how did Dada dissolve?

美国水猎犬性格活泼,肌肉发达,中等大小,具有波浪形至卷曲的被毛。The American Water Spaniel is an active muscular dog, medium in size with a marcel to curly coat.

英熙为起义的大儿子和嚷着要烫发的二儿子感应头痛。The city's oldest son for uprising and cried out for the second son of marcel induction headache.