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又说,工人得工价是应当的。And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.

他早先给地主扛过长活。He used to be a long-term labourer for a landlord.

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一位观光者到爱尔兰文一位农民时间。A visitor to Ireland asked a farmer labourer the time.

回答是,是这位劳动者所付出劳动的直接价值。The answer is, is the labourer paid labor direct value.

最贫贱的劳动者享有和最富的雇主同样的权利。The meanest labourer has the same rights as the richest employer.

最贫贱的劳动者享有和最富的地主同样的权利。The meanest labourer has the same rights as the richest landowner.

但是,她的丈夫并没有拿回那份工作,现在是一名普通的劳动工人。But her husband did not get his job back, and now works as a labourer.

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通常需要在同一公司内纸浆厂工人以往的经验。Previous experience as a pulp mill labourer within the same company is usually required.

在庄园边上有个工人在一块林地四周筑篱笆。There was a labourer working at a fence round a plantation, on the borders of the grounds.

为了生计霍先生干过机场搬运工和轮渡铲煤工。To make ends meet, Fok worked as a labourer at the airport and shovelled coal onto ferries.

中国江西省,一名工人正在空中粉刷一处露天体育场建筑物。A labourer paints at a stadium construction site in Yingtan, central China's Jiangxi province.

现在已经是把农业劳动者放在技术和发展政策的中心地位的时候了。The time has come to put the farm labourer at the heart of technology and development policies.

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即是说,您付工资给劳动者,并非已经把这位劳动者所付出的劳动所产生的价值全部都付给他了。That is to say, you pay laborer, not have put the labourer pay except produce value all pay him.

在北欧,当你看到一个人在地里犁田时,你很有可能会回头再看一眼。In northern Europe, when you see a labourer ploughing a field, you probably give him a second glance.

聂赫留朵夫打发跑堂的到驿站去叫马车,自己赶紧收拾行李。Nekhludoff sent the young labourer to the post station to order horses and began packing up hurriedly.

这是8月4日一位泰国劳动者推着售货车经过一个夜市的临时摊位。Above, a Thai labourer pushes a cart through rows of temporary stalls while setting up a night market, Aug. 4.

我要么干,要么饿肚子。”外来打工者阿水说,他已经在这个市场上工作三年了。I either do this or go hungry, " said Ah Shui, a migrant labourer who has worked at the market for three years."

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山野农夫因之学会侍弄芳华,最粗鄙的劳工也会表达对山岩流水的敬意。Our peasants have learned to arrange flowers, our meanest labourer to offer his salutation to the rocks and waters.

他还回忆起在列宁格勒国立大学修读法学博士时当打工族和扫雪工的情景。Medvedev recalled working as a labourer and a snow sweeper while studying for a law PhD at Leningrad State University.

“我父亲是一名劳工,也是共和军成员,但现在他和弗朗哥长眠在一起,”他说,“不把他带回来我们是不会罢休的。”"My father was a labourer and a Republican but now he is with Franco, " he said. "We won't rest until we get him back."