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酒店餐厅是一个轻松的国际餐饮场所。Brasserie Restaurant is a relaxed International dining venue.

开发和执行尼盛万丽啤酒屋的销售计划。Develop and execute plans and actions for the marketing of the Renaissance Brasserie.

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我正在华盛顿的一家法国小酒馆中等待马勒梅丽莎,前中央情报局间谍。I am waiting to meet former CIA spy Melissa Boyle Mahle at a French brasserie in Washington DC.

里格洛博成立之初是一家气氛活跃的啤酒馆,巴黎的艺术家、思想家、“波希米亚”一族经常光顾。Le Globo began life as a lively brasserie frequented by Parisian artists, thinkers and bohemians.

午餐或晚餐时间,Millennium酒店的小酒馆或露台供应传统法式美食。For lunch or dinner, traditional French cuisine is served in the Millennium's brasserie or on the terrace.

这家酒店坐落在一处绿地,周围拥有美丽的自然风景,是游览村庄和当地美景的理想基地。In the daytime the brasserie is a great place to have a drink or sit out on the partially heated terrace and enjoy the outside air.

如果您想亲自体验一番,您可以去北京福楼餐厅。三月的每个周末,他们都在提供享用这一火锅的机会。If you want to have a try, you can come to Brasserie Flo Beijing. They are offering the opportunity to enjoy this Fondue every weekend in March.

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充满了胡椒、黑樱桃和黑醋栗的芳香,富有表现力,热情洋溢,是一款适合小酒馆情调的美酒。A delicious bistro and brasserie wine with loads of peppery black cherry and blackcurrant fruit, the wine is expressive, soulful , and just delicious.

Tiffany餐馆体现出时尚小酒馆的温馨氛围,其菜单为著名的法国Pourcel兄弟所设计的具创意的料理。The Tiffany restaurant evokes the warm atmosphere of a chic brasserie and the menu offers the inventive cuisine of the renowned French Pourcel brothers.

一个更休闲的用餐体验,啤酒店拥有独特的视角一个开放式的厨房,一个经典的菜单,还具有国际口味。For a more casual dining experience, The Brasserie boasts an open kitchen for a unique view, with a classic menu that also features international flavors.

伯杰解释道,这只是圣诞节前的热身阶段,到圣诞节前时,餐馆的座位将达到250个,他们容纳30位客人的包间也是座无虚席。This was just a warm-up to the pre-Christmas period, Berger explained, when the brasserie would seat 250 and their 30-seater private room would be full as well.

这100个座位的小酒馆供应一流的现代化在一个轻松的,非正式的当代艺术气息的氛围中轻木地板,家具和软一个温暖的色调范围的英国食物。This 100-seat brasserie serves excellent modern British food in a relaxed, informal contemporary arty atmosphere with light wooden floorings, a range of soft furnishings and warm colors.

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城镇另一端的皇家花园旁边有一个安静的小酒馆里,汉斯·鲁斯塔德对“集体拥抱”活动感到厌恶。On the other side of town, in a quiet brasserie near the Royal Garden, the thought of some collective “group hug” inspires revulsion in Hans Rustad, the founder of the rightwing site,