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广大的低洼地带便是恒河平原。This vast expanse of lowland is known as the Gangetic Plains.

大多数人口都居住在中心低地。Most of the country"s population lives in this central lowland.

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介绍了低洼地开发、建设原则及途径。The development, construction principle and ways of lowland are introduced.

那时,她还很年轻,年幼的她到了低地后就放缓了脚步。She was very young at the time, and as she came to the lowland she slowed down.

一条绿色的树蛇在哥斯达黎加的加勒比海低地支叶茂盛的栖木高位上向外凝视。A green tree snake peers from its leafy perch in Costa Rica’s Caribbean lowland.

成群结对的哈扎拉人被从低地的农田驱赶到阿富汗中部的高地。Throngs of Hazaras were driven from lowland farms up into the central highlands.

在岬角区玩过过山车之后,游客们可以坐缆车去往低地地区。Having enjoyed the rides at the Headland, visitors can take a shuttle to the lowland.

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海河低平原类型区,水资源不足是农作物产量的主要限制因子。In Haihe Lowland Plain, water shortage is the main limit factor for agriculture production.

图为加蓬大猩猩收养所中一头西部低地大猩猩宝宝莱克迪的特写照片。Lekedi, a baby western lowland gorilla, sits for a close-up at a gorilla orphanage in Gabon.

“高垄平台”耕法是治理低湿易涝地的有效手段。The tillage method of high-ridge platform is a effective way to harness waterlogged lowland.

它们会在夏天迁徙到高海拔觅食区直到秋天结束再回到低地。Deer may move from high-elevation browse areas in summer down to the lowland areas in late fall.

当然,婆罗州是其中物种最丰富的,约有10,000种植物。Indeed, Borneo's lowland rainforest is the most diverse of all, with around 10,000 plant species.

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苏格兰的军队由低地长枪兵和高地人构成。Scotland's army will be a mixed bag of solid lowland spearmen and fierce but unreliable highlanders.

以聊城市为例,分析了城郊低洼地区土地利用现状。Taking Liaocheng as an example, the status of the utilization of lowland in city outskirts is analyzed.

到了1400年,大部分的英格兰人和来自苏格兰低地的人习惯了家庭姓氏的使用。By 1400 most English families, and those from Lowland Scotland, had adopted the use of hereditary surnames.

金刚和他的家人是隐居在非洲中部刚果盆地的低地大猩猩。Kingo and his family of reclusive lowland gorillas live wild and free in the Congo Basin of central Africa.

最近的新闻报导中提到的一个受威胁的地区是白朗,这是东南亚最大的低地常绿森林。One threatened area in the news recently was Prey Lang, the largest lowland evergreen forest in the region.

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城市近郊低洼地的再利用是我国城市化快速发展的必然要求。The reutilization of lowland in city outskirts is the inevitable requirement of rapid urbanization in China.

与西洼地大猩猩相比,两个猩猩亚种所具有的遗传多样性要少一些。While the genetic diversities in the two orangutan subspecies are less than that in Western lowland gorillas.

上图是在低地雨林捕获的另一只北非菊头蝠,这只和前面的颜色一样。This is another Rhinolophus simulator captured in lowland forest. This shares the same coloration as the other.