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溜冰者从冰上掠过。A skater skims the ice.

这位滑冰者完成了一次三周单腿旋转。The skater executed a triple pirouette.

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米奇说,“我要成为奥运会的花样滑冰运动员。”I’m going to be an Olympic figure skater.

这名滑冰者并没有接受正规的训练。The skater hasn't received normal training.

滑冰者在冰上快速转圈。The skater spun round and round on the ice.

那个滑冰的人做出了一套完美的花样动作。The skater executed a perfect set of figures.

但众星之中最耀眼的是一名单人滑选手。But the brightest star of all was a singles skater.

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为了更加形象化,想像一下溜冰时旋转的场景吧。To picture this, imagine an ice skater doing a pirouette.

其实表演在花滑运动员离开冰场后并未结束。The performance does not end when the skater leaves the ice.

滑冰者在溜冰时每小时可消耗高达600卡路里的热量。And the skater can burn up to 600 calories per hour on the ice.

赖斯在12岁至17岁期间是一名很有实力的滑冰选手。Rice was a competitive ice skater between the ages of 12 and 17.

速滑运动员裙子是很时尚没错,但是绝不适合梨形身材的人。Skater skirts might be fashionable, but they don't work for pears.

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唯一的不同就是滑冰运动员的姿势明显要优美很多。The only difference is that the skater does so decidedly more elegantly.

这样的重力分布就像滑冰者张开手臂慢速旋转。This weight distribution is like a skater with arms out, spinning slowly.

亚历克温斯顿是一个年轻的姑娘,梦想成为花样滑冰运动员冠军。Alexis Winston is a young girl who dreams of becoming a champion figure skater.

他得分后的庆祝动作正是模仿速滑运动员展开双臂的动作。His post-goal showboating gave way to the sweeping arm motion of a speed skater.

我不会忘记,优秀的溜冰者决不会试图同时滑向两个方向。I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate two directions at once.

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加利福尼亚州花样滑冰选手关颖珊将第三次参战奥运会。Californian figure skater Michelle Kwan will be returning for her third Olympics.

“它已经报答我了,”滑滚轮者说,“我以前体重25磅多,我还吸烟。”"He already has , "the skater said. "I used to weigh 25 pounds more and I smoked.

我会记得,好的滑冰者不会试图同时滑向两个方向。I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once.