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延迟新年排毒。Postpone the New Year detox.

咖啡可以协助肝脏排毒。Coffee will detox your liver in surprising ways.

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有一件事我还没试过,就是戒掉数字毒瘾。One thing I haven't yet tried is a digital detox.

配合灵芝排毒茶瘦身功效加倍。Lingzhi Detox Tea slimming effect with the double.

戒毒的人了解戒毒的痛苦,他们知道怎样善解人意。Drug users understand detox and they know how to be empathetic.

排毒减肥餐通常都异常严格、并且卡路里量极低。Detox diets are usually highly restrictive and very low in calories.

接受急性脱瘾治疗的病人身边会有一名指派的护士看护。A patient going through acute detox will have an assigned nurse nearby.

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永久的等待是一个严重的错误,我认为是时间戒掉心瘾了。Perpetual waiting is a serious illness. And I think it’s time to detox.

大可以在七天牛奶排毒计画后开始摄取奶类制品。They can detox program in seven days after the intake of milk dairy products.

水果和蔬菜的汁液中含有自然的植物化学物质可以帮助我们排毒。Fruit and vegetable juices contain phytochemicals that help us detox naturally.

我本可以继续进行更多天的戒食,但是我还是没有那么做。I could have continued this detox for a few more days but decided not to do so.

许多产品所吹嘘的“排毒”会导致身体疲劳,抽搐,脱水等现象。The "detox" described for many products can lead to fatigue, cramping, and dehydration.

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我在这儿很高兴,我也敢肯定,这是我去过的最好的戒毒所。I am very glad to be here and am sure that this is the best detox I have been to so far.

“土瓜、根”祛斑面膜粉加上SPA排毒茶和白茯苓,祛斑美白十分好。Kwa, root freckle Mask Powder with Poria SPA Detox Tea and white, whitening is very good.

我们体内已经有许多“天然的”排毒工具了,如肝,皮肤和肺!Our bodies already have plenty of natural "detox" tools, like the liver, skin, and lungs!

粘液或清除牙菌斑从你激,尝试中药戒毒的节目之一上市。Or to remove mucoid plaque from your bowel, try one of the herbal detox programs listed here.

“排除净化你体内的脂肪”是我最近捡到的一本小册子上的标题。"Detox and cleanse away your body fat" was the headline of one pamphlet I picked up recently.

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难以置信的短暂,所有因为断食而减去的体重几乎会马上反弹回来。Incredibly temporary, any weight loss resulting from this detox will come back almost immediately.

戒食系列的最后一部分将是关于如何停止戒食行为和戒食之后该怎么办,敬请期待。The final part of the detox series on how to break fast and what to do after a detox is coming up next.

甘草和绿豆都是排毒良药,尤其是后者,可以清肝明目。Licorice and mung bean do detox well, especially the mung bean, which is used to purge toxins in liver.