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天空、依旧闲云游荡。The sky, still roam idle.

他们热爱奔跑,也喜欢四处漫步。They love to gallop and roam.

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朋友,一起遨游天下。Friend, roam the world together.

我喜欢在田野中漫步。I like to roam around the fields.

武士就到处去漫游。The warrior went to everywhere roam.

心猿意马、头脑的习性是四处游荡。It is the nature of the mind to roam about.

它们闲游在太空,无牵无挂。Care free, they roam leisurely in the space.

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剑齿虎什么时候曾称霸于陆地?When did saber-toothed tigers roam the land?

而且这些都会及时的反映在这片土地上。And these patches roam over the land in time.

就让他人在新的游园中享受徜徉的欢乐吧。Let others delight mid new pleasures to roam.

我们也许会流连在欢乐与金璧辉煌中。Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam.

我和我的朋友们外出,骑著我们的脚踏车闲晃。Be outwith my friends, on our bikes we'd roam.

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我们,曾是徜徉在那绿地上情侣。Where are the green fields, that we used to roam?

鸟儿翱翔天空,鱼儿遨游大海。Birds soar in the sky while fishes roam in the sea.

流浪狗游荡于街上的废弃房屋。Stray dogs roam the streets among collapsed houses.

水牛以前常常自由自在地在科罗拉多平原上漫步。Buffalos used to roam freely on the Colorado Plains.

只能背起坚硬的壳,继续流浪。Only back up the hard shell, continues to roam about.

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“漫游”为“联合办公”提供了一个空间。Roam provides a space for what is called “co-working.”

双峰骆驼正在戈壁中散步。Two-humped, or Bactrian, camels roam wild in the Gobi.

塞伦盖蒂约有一百五十万头牛羚。An estimated 1.5 million wildebeests roam the Serengeti.