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这基路伯高十肘,那基路伯也是如此。The height of cherub was ten cubits.

这幅画中的小天使很是可爱。The cherub in the painting is very lovely.

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这个射箭的天使肯定击中了墨西哥。The arrow-slinging cherub is definitely a hit in Mexico.

人见人爱的飞翼天使在这样的经济形势下飞得有点儿低。Everyone's favorite winged cherub is flying a little lower in this economy.

苔莎的脸开始像云端里初现的小天使那样的快活。Tessa's face began to look as contented as a cherub 's budding from a cloud.

嘴角和眼角增多的皱纹给她那张娃娃脸上增添了个性。Increasing wrinkles about her mouth and eyes added character to her cherub face.

难怪漫画家总是把他画成一个邪恶的小天使。It was easy to see why the cartoonists regularly portrayed him as a malign cherub.

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然后有一天天堂的门会打开,一个完美而可爱的小娃娃会像小天使一样降临到我们身边。One day, the heavens would part and a perfect, precious cherub would descend on a sunbeam.

这部水粉画中,环绕着小天使的是各种各样的美容产品和其他的物品。The watercolour shows the cherub surrounded by her beauty products and holding various items.

奥切太太把这小天使抱到大厅给主人看,他脸上才有喜色。Dame archer brought the cherub down to master in the house, and his face just began to light up.

那一个基路伯的两个翅膀也是十肘,两个基路伯的尺寸,形像都是一样。The second cherub also measured ten cubits, for the two cherubim were identical in size and shape.

这一个基路伯有两个翅膀,各长五肘,从这翅膀尖到那翅膀尖共有十肘。One wing of the first cherub was five cubits long, and the other wing five cubits-ten cubits from wing tip to wing tip.

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一般而言,每一个小天使都有其特殊的习惯和爱好,这些习惯和爱好能够帮助天天、乐乐和飞飞顺利地找到他们。Generally speaking, each cherub has its special convention and interest, these habits and hobby can be helped every day, happy happy He Feifei finds them smoothly.

然而不久之后,他就以其令人不安的天使般面孔,淡褐色的眼睛和寥寥几笔就能奇迹般演出无法预料的堕落气氛的本领,在好莱坞声名大噪。Still, he made quite a mark in Hollywood soon after, with his unsettling cherub face, bulging eyes and ability to conjure auras of unseen depravity with just a few quick strokes.