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根管治疗!Root canal.

作为根用户登录。Log in as root.

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作为根包。As root packages.

不能改变到根目录。Cannot CHDIR to root.

取它的平方根。Take the square root.

亦昰痛苦的根本。Also?The root of pain.

求。的立方根炸弹打中了他。Find the cubic root of.

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它们都来自同一词源。It is all the same root.

私心是罪恶的根源。That is the root of sin.

根儿依然是活着的。The root is still alive.

有些插枝很容易生根。Some cuttings root easily.

这种思想根深蒂固。The idea took strong root.

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嗯,吃根薯条口巴。Ah, eat the root fries bar.

金融是罪恶的根源。Mfirsty is the root of evil.

水之源,缘之根。Water source, the root edge.

修改上下文根。Modification of context root.

包饺子扎红头绳。Red Hair Band root dumplings.

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144的平方根是12。The square root of 144 is 12.

对金钱的爱是万恶之源。Money is the root of all evil.

钱是一切罪恶的根源。Money si the root of all evil.