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我遇到的阿富汗人既不排外,也不好战。The Afghans I met were neither xenophobic nor bellicose.

好斗的言辞常常是无所作为的借口。Bellicose rhetoric most often serves as an excuse for inaction.

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所有成功的报纸都是不停地发牢骚的和好斗的。All successful newspapers are ceaselessly querulous and bellicose.

为了敌对势力而选择同归于尽的可怕场景,如一盆冰水扑灭了好战的热火。The prospect of mutual annihilation for the rival powers chilled bellicose passions.

但是,针对二战老兵的调查显示,极少有人是天生好战的。But studies of World War II veterans suggest that very few men are innately bellicose.

他们相信一旦确立,只有林肯的好战政策才能彻底摧毁它。They hold that, once entrenched, only Lincoln's bellicose policy could have eradicated it.

好战的潘托拉主席奇·乔拒绝相信塔尔兹人已享有奥托普卢托尼亚的主权。The bellicose Pantoran Chairman, Chi Cho, refused to believe the Talz had any claim on Orto Plutonia.

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然而,在埃及,几十年来关于尼罗河的咄咄逼人的虚辞假语致使河水资源成为引起爆炸性反应的问题。In Egypt, however, decades of bellicose rhetoric about the Nile have made the river’s water an explosive issue.

欧洲整合已经基本上把一个以好战出名的大陆转化为一个和平稳定的地区了。European integration has already transformed most of a famously bellicose continent into a stable zone of peace.

至于好莱坞西部片中的浪漫放荡、好勇斗狠的牛仔形象,虽为世人津津乐道,其实不过是牛仔文化的误读而已。The gallant and bellicose image of cowboys portrayed in Hollywood movies is nothing but a distortion of historical facts.

迈克尔•摩尔的遗漏已被注意到了,批评和指责并非仅仅来自迈克尔•摩尔最好战和最武断的贬低者。The elisions have been noticed — and criticism is coming not just from Mr. Moore's most bellicose and dogmatic detractors.

阿夸利什人在宇宙中很常见,这种来自安多星的类人种族很好战,并带有水栖和节肢动物的体表特征。A bellicose humanoid species with some superficial properties both aquatic and arachnid , the Aqualish of Ando can be found the galaxy over.

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伊朗和北朝鲜继续我行我素,玩他们的亡命之徒的无赖勾当。巴基斯坦和阿富汗则是朝混乱的深渊越陷越深。Iran and North Korea are continuing on their bellicose paths, while Pakistan and Afghanistan are progressing smartly down the road to chaos.

美国在组织好战者发动战征和提前阻止试图引起更多屠杀的冲突死灰复燃方面功不可没。It makes it harder for the bellicose to start wars and helps nip some resurgent conflicts in the bud before they can spark off yet more carnage.

美国方面过多的战争威胁只会使那些平壤的强硬派受益——他们用美国的反应来证明自己行为的合理性。Too much bellicose rhetoric from the United States would only benefit hard-liners in Pyongyang, who use the American response to justify their actions.

尽管以前的战争导致四个之间超级大国至今摩擦不断,他们达成了贸易协议,并保证了一定的和平。These four super powers came to terms of trade and co-existed more or less peacefully, despite some grim tensions between them regarding their bellicose past.

奥巴马一旦就职,他是否会证实他在竞选中针对伊朗和巴基斯坦的好战威胁只是吸引某些选民选票的一种手段?Once in office, will Obama prove that his bellicose threats against Iran and Pakistan were just words spoken to lure in a certain category of voter during the election?

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把战争看作是不属于我们的东西,是必须根除的东西,让它无处藏身,直到最后一件武器,直到争斗的最后一场上演,相比之下这样要做要有用得多得多。It would be far better to think of war as something external to ourselves, something which has to be uprooted, everywhere, down to the last weapon and bellicose pageant.

可想而知,北韩回敬联合国的决议一连串逞凶斗狠的威胁恐吓,扬言国际搜索北韩的船舶将会引发军事报复,并宣布制造更多钸基炸弹的计画,推行浓缩铀的方案。Predictably, North Korea has responded to the UN resolution by firing off another round of bellicose threats. Searches of its vessels will provoke military retaliation, the regime says.