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他贴一膏药。He applied a plaster.

你可以给我一个创口贴吗?Can you give me a plaster?

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熟石膏凝结得很快。Plaster of Paris sets quickly.

周边以石膏线饰边。To plaster line edging around.

他的桌上摆着一个维纳斯石膏像。He had a plaster cast on his leg.

我还需要贴上橡皮膏。And I need to put a plaster on it.

把这膏药每日一次fu贴患处。Put a plaster on the sore once a day.

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这种橡皮膏粘得牢。Such an adhesive plaster sticks fast.

这种灰泥变干时可能会龟裂。This plaster may crack when it dries.

模铸的石膏或雕刻的石头制作的工艺。In moulded plaster or in carven stone?

她并贴出伤处上了石膏的照片。She put a plaster on the wound photos.

这些墙壁上涂满了灰泥。The walls are overspread with plaster.

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伤口上涂了一点药并贴上一块橡皮膏。I dabbed the cut and applied a plaster.

我们的预算额已削减到最低限度。Her a plaster of pared mold of your hand.

房子呻吟着灰泥剥落。The house groaned and the plaster came loose.

粘土,蜡和石膏是可塑物质。Clay, wax, and plaster are plastic substances.

弄一筐石灰碴来替我堵上这窟窿。A hod of plaster for me to stop this hole with!

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我想用些橡皮膏贴在后脚跟上。I want some sticking plaster to put on my heel.

他们用灰泥堵塞住墙上的洞。They chinked the holes in the walls with plaster.

睡在用泥灰与石头盖成的单人卧房中。In the one bathroom house made of plaster and stone.