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他们是希伯来人吗?Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites?

有些希伯来人过了约旦河,逃到迦得和基列地。Some Hebrews even crossed the Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead.

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有些希伯来人渡过了约旦河,逃到迦得和基列地。And some of the Hebrews went over Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead.

扫罗在遍地吹角,意思说,要使希伯来人听见。And Saul blew the trumpet throughout all the land, saying, Let the Hebrews hear!

事实上,这段经文的上文,亦吩咐我们要接待客旅。In fact, the preceding text in Hebrews calls us to show hospitality to strangers.

希伯来书第11章所列出的人深信神会实现其应许。The people listed in Hebrews 11 believed God would fulfill the promises he'd made.

我们在希伯来书9中读到过,耶稣的血会洗刷我们的良心。We read in Hebrews 9 that our consciences have to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.

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信就是所向望者的实在、及未看见事的凭准。Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews.

但以理就是希伯来书第11章提及的无名英雄之一,因当日他「堵了狮子的口」。Daniel was one of those unnamed heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 who "shut the mouths of lions."

摩西在他能到加拿大前死了。然后,约书亚在综合维他命战争中带领希伯来人。Moses died before he ever reached Canada. Then Joshua led the Hebrews In the battle of Geritol.

我相信,希伯来书的作者写出警戒时,心中一定想到了这种「苦毒」。I believe that bitterness is what the writer of Hebrews had in mind when he penned his warnings.

旧约所着力描述的国家只有一个,就是希伯莱民族的国家,他们属于闪米族部落。Among all the nation, the Old Testament concentrated on one—the Hebrews belonging to the Semitic tribe.

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神祝福他战绩辉煌,希伯来书第11章亦称赞他对神的信心。God blesses him with great military victories. Jephthah is also commended in Hebrews 11 for his faith in God.

希伯来书可谓是一部“专横的”文献,它展示了新约的优越性和独有性。Hebrews is a masterful document written to demonstrate the exclusiveness and superiority of the new covenant.

一个私生活如此杂乱和多过犯的人怎可能在希伯来书第11章中位踞信心英雄之列呢?How could a man whose personal life was so messy and sinful be listed among the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11?

第一个将希伯莱人再度联合起来的人是一位叫扫罗的武士兼农夫,他的继任者大卫,则是一个牧羊人。The frist king to unite the Hebrews was a warrior-farmer named Saul, who was succeeded by David, a shepherd boy.

公元前1300年,希伯莱人来到巴勒斯坦,当时这个地方被称为迦南,在这里定居下来,并形成了众多的小王国。About 1300 B. C. , the Hebrews came to settle in Palestine, known as Canaan at that time, and formed small kingdoms.

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即使是希伯来书11章称赞的挪亚、亚伯拉罕和雅各这些信心伟人,也有性格的缺陷和属灵的过错。Even Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—lauded as heroes of faith in Hebrews 11—display flawed character and spiritual lapses.

希伯来书第11章提及的信心英雄,喇合亦包括在内,由此明明可见神对人无条件的爱。God's unconditional love for people is clearly evident in that Rahab is included in Hebrews 11 along with other faith heroes.

这个节目讲述了在埃及受到一系列天罚之后,摩西如何带领希伯来人走出埃及的故事。The programme tells the story of how Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt after a series of plagues had devastated1 the country.