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这是个基本特征。This characteristic is essential.

特色产业黄烟。Yellow Smoke characteristic industry.

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他一向如此诚实。Such honesty is characteristic of him.

他的学习方法是别开生面的。His method of study was characteristic.

他就是这么迟钝。Such bluntness is characteristic of him.

不肯饶恕是撒但的特性。Unforgiveness is Satan's characteristic.

突出的紧密系统特点。Extrusive characteristic of tight system.

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跑酷的一大特点是效率。A characteristic of parkour is efficiency.

线摄片呈特征性的钙化阴影。X ray shows characteristic calcific shadow.

协同性是CSCW的主要特性。Cooperation is a main characteristic of CSCW.

口不择言是他的特征。It is characteristic of him to talk nonsense.

有说话急转法特性的或与之相关的。Relating to or characteristic of aposiopesis.

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这是淮扬菜的另外一个特点。This is a characteristic of Huaiyang cuisine.

该文说明了1465病毒的表现特征。The characteristic of 1465 virus is described.

这就是她善于自嘲的特点。There is that characteristic self-deprecation.

这是技术结构特征。This is a technical-structural characteristic.

他那脑袋瓜子挺聪明,个性很倔强。He had an intellectual and characteristic head.

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尼赫鲁以他一贯的大度之风作了回答。Nehru responded with characteristic generosity.

神性的或者具有神的特点的。Of or relating to or characteristic of a numen.

有些动物具有人类的特征。Some animals possess the characteristic of man.