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刻意模仿著名的演讲家Imitating other famous speakers

但是她的问题在于模仿狗叫声。She has problems imitating the sound of dogs.

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听和模仿一定要同时做。Listening and imitating should always go together.

但美国可尊重中国,但无需模仿它。But America can respect China without imitating it.

善模仿人语,但多说假话。Skilled at imitating human language, but usually lies.

以模仿其它鸟类叫声而著名的美洲林莺。American warbler noted for imitating songs of other birds.

模拟左、右半肝活体肝移植物的切取。Imitating the cutting of the living-related partial liver.

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无数人模仿着他风格独特的克依坦来学习唱颂。So many try to learn by imitating his unique style of kirtan.

大众性,因为艺术的起源的模仿说。The general public, because the origin of art imitating said.

我很喜欢模仿美国之音里面的标准美语.I’m really fond of imitating standard American English from VOA.

模仿歌曲的节奏和声调有助于你的口说技巧。Imitating the rhythms and tones in songs helps your speaking skills.

当你在模仿世界著名的横笛吹奏者吉恩·皮埃尔·克伦威尔的时候。When you're imitating the world-famous flutist Jean Pierre Cromwell.

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他们把脸涂成白色,模仿他们的主任来取笑他们。Painting their face white, they made fun of them by imitating their deans.

作色是文物修复中的一个重要环节。Imitating color is an important link in the restoration of cultural relics.

布里森登学着当地一个有名的吹捧吃蛇表演的牛皮匠大叫起来。Brissenden exclaimed, imitating the SPIELER of a locally famous snake-eater.

古色古香的仿古家具,简直可以乱真。These classic pieces of furniture imitating ancient style almost look genuine.

有很多竹的模仿活动,如装饰、跳舞、音乐等。Lots of activities of imitating bamboo, such as, garments, dance and music etc.

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这都怪电视节目,孩子们擅长模仿他们。TV programs should certainly take the blame. Children are good at imitating them.

舒伊小朋友穿着万圣节的衣服从房间里跑出来。她的造型是雅典娜。Shuyi wore the Halloween clothes. She was imitating Athena by this set of clothes.

昨天的聚会上,伊立沙白的男友模仿查理卓别林来给我们搞乐。At yesterday's party, Elizabeth's boyfriend amused us by imitating Charlie Chaplin.